828.8. COMPENDIUM OF ENGLISH GRAMMAR; COMPRISING ALL THAT IS NECESSARY TO BE COMMITTED TO MEMORY BY STUDENTS: ABRIDGED FROM LINDLEY MURRAY'S EXCELLENT TREATISE, BY DANIEL CHESSMAN, A. M. PASTOR OF THE BAPTIST CHURCH IN HALLOWELL, (ME.) RHODE-ISLAND DISTRICT, &c. DE IT REMEMBERED, That on this Twenty. BEST REMEMBER, 18, and in the verty Fourth year of the Independence of the U. States of America, SAMUEL RANDALL of Warren, in the Dis trict of Rhode Island, deposited in this Office, the title of a Book the right whereof he claims as proprietor in the following words, viz. “A Compendium of English Grammar; comprising all that is necessary to be committed to memory by students; abridged from Lindley Murray's excellent treatise. by DANIEL CHESSMAN, A.M. Pastor of the Baptist Church in Hallowell, Me.Second edition corrected and enlarged." In conformity to an act of the Congress of the United States, entitled, "An Act for the Encour agement of Learning, by securing the Copies of Maps, Charts and Books, to the Authors and Proprietors of such copies during the times therein mentioned;" and also to an Act entitled "An Act for the Encouragement of Learning by securing the Copies of Maps, Charts, and Books, to the Authors and Proprietors of such Copies, during the times therein mentioned, and extending the benefits thereof to the Arts of Designing, Engraving and Etching Historical and other Prints." BENJAMIN COWELL, Cierk of Rhode Island District. 000 RECOMMENDATION. Having examined the Rev. Mr. Chessman's Compendium of English Grammar, we most cheerfully recommend it, as highly calculated to facilitate the acquisition of that important part of useful knowlJER, CHAPLIN, Prof. of Divinity in Waterville College. AVERY BriggS, Prof. of Lan. in said Col. edge. REMARKS. Grammar is generally a dry and uninteresting study; because there is so much of it, and because, it is not understood. This Compendium is very short, and easily explained, so that children may understand it. On this plan, the pupil may begin to parse, when he begins his grammar. When he can answer the question, How are common and proper nouns distinguished? Let it be illustrated by example, till fully understood. Then let him point out all the nouns in a sentence, and show, whether they are proper or common, without regarding any thing else. When he understands the number and gender, he may add them to his lesson; and so proceed through his grammar, as fast, as he can understand, and reduce it to practice. The rules for the formation of the tenses, and participles, are simple and easy; and when understood, will give a thorough knowledge of the verbs. The pupil should commit that which is in the large type; and read the remainder. Twenty-four hours of recitation will be sufficient to acquire as much knowledge, as is generally ob. tained by the common method in many months.This third edition is an evidence, that it has received the approbation of some. Innovations on practices, sanctioned by time and talents, are not very easily made; but where there is any valuable improvement, it will finally be seen and acknowledged. Instructers of youth are solicited to make a fair experiment, with this little work; and if it should not succeed, there will not be much loss, either of time, trouble, or expense.. COMPENDIUM OF ENGLISH GRAMMAR. What does Grammar teach? To speak and white with propriety. How is English Grammar divided? Into Four parts; Orthography, Etymology, Syntax and Prosody. What is Orthography? It is that part of Grammar which teaches the proper method of spelling words.* * What are words? The union of letters and syl. lables. What is a letter? The sign of an articulate sound. How many letters in the English language? There are Twenty six. abcdefghijkl mnopqrstuvwxy 2. How are letters divided? Into Vowels and consonants. Which are vowels? a e io u and sometimes w and y. |