Book of Songs

Front Cover
Henry Holt and Company, 1874 - 239 pages


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Page 115 - ... evening mist came rising, And floating far and wide. One by one in the light-house The lamps shone out on high ; And far on the dim horizon A ship went sailing by. We spoke of storm and shipwreck, Of sailors, and how they live ; Of journeys 'twixt sky and water, And the sorrows and joys they give.
Page 142 - Thou'rt like a lovely floweret, So void of guile or art. I gaze upon thy beauty, And grief steals o'er my heart. I fain would lay, devoutly, My hands upon thy brow ; And pray that God will keep thee As good and fair as now.
Page 151 - Offered their patronage too, with a smile. But with all their honour and approbation, I should, long ago, have died of starvation ; Had there not come an excellent man, Who bravely to help me along began. Good fellow ! — he got me the food I ate, His kindness and care I shall never forget ; Yet I cannot embrace him — though other folks can, For I myself am this excellent man ! 67.
Page 147 - I'll hie me. He can well put all the fragments together Into a system, convenient and terse ; While with his night-cap and dressing-robe tatters He'll stop up the chinks of the wide Universe.
Page 203 - ... in the sea, a mournful wearisome business. Over the sea, flat on his face, lies the monstrous, terrible North Wind, sighing and sinking his voice as in secret, like an old grumbler; for once in good humor, unto the ocean he talks, and he tells her wonderful stories.
Page 119 - She kissed me and she pressed me, Till I wished her arms away : "Why hast thou so caressed me, Thou lovely Water Fay?" "Oh, thou need'st not alarm thee That thus thy form I hold ; For I only seek to warm me, And the night is black and cold.
Page 44 - VTIDNIGHT came slowly sweeping on ; In silent rest lay Babylon. But in the royal castle high Red torches gleam and courtiers cry. Belshazzar there in kingly hall Is holding kingly festival. The vassals sat in glittering line, And emptied the goblets with glowing wine. The goblets rattle, the choruses swell, X.
Page 177 - And on walls and dome and pillars, From the top to bottom winding, Flow the Arabic Koran proverbs, Quaintly and like flowers twining. Moorish monarchs once erected This fair pile to Allah's glory ; But in the wild dark whirl of ages Many a change has stolen o'er it. On the minaret, where the Mollah Called to prayer amid the turrets, Now the Christian bells are ringing With a melancholy drumming. On the steps where once the Faithful Sung the praises of the Prophet, Now the mass's worn-out wonder To...
Page 71 - On the wings of song far sweeping, Heart's dearest, with me thou'lt go Away where the Ganges is creeping; Its loveliest garden I know — A garden where roses are burning In the moonlight all silent there; Where the lotus-flowers are yearning For their sister beloved and fair. The violets titter, caressing, Peeping up as the planets appear, And the roses, their warm love confessing, Whisper words, soft-perfumed, to each ear. And, gracefully lurking or leaping, The gentle gazelles come round: While...
Page 116 - Come — draw thy boat to land ; And sit thee down beside me, We'll talk with hand in hand. Lay thy head against my bosom, And have no fear of me ; Dost thou not venture boldly Each day on the roaring sea ? My heart is like the ocean, It hath storm, and ebb, and flow ; A nd many a pearl is hidden In its silent depths below.

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