Seynt Graal, Or the Sank Ryal: The History of the Holy Graal, Partly in English Verse, by Henry Lovelich, Skynner, (temp. Hen. VI., A.D. 1422-1461) and Wholly in French Prose, by Sires Robiers de Borron, from the Original Latin : Ed., from Mss. in the Library of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, and the British Museum. with a note on the early Byrons and Robert de Buron, Volume 2Nichols, 1863 - 412 pages |
Common terms and phrases
Abowtes Aftyr Ageyn Aleyn Anon auenture auint auoit ausi autre Azen bere bien boins Castel Celidoyne Certeyn Chanaan CHAP che fu chele chelui Chertes cheste chil chiualers chou Comen commencha Compenye Contre crestiens crist Cristene cuer damysele degre deuant dewk dieu disent dist Eche ensi estoient estoit estre Everichon fait fist forto fust Gaanor Galafort goddis gonne Graal grant gret hadden HERBERT COLERIDGE hire holy Iosephes iour Ioye ke vous King knyht kyng li dus lond lord Manere Merveilles Meyne Mochel Mordreins mult myhte Nasciens neuere nule Nyht onques Owre peple Piers plas preudom qu'il quod rois Ryht s'en schal sche Schippe scholde scholen seide sekerle signour Sire sone sore swich syen terre thanne thike thorwgh thou thowhte tout tyme vppon weren whanne wheche with-Inne with-Owten wolde ypocras žat