Six Characters in Search of an AuthorOn the stage, a rehearsal is in progress when actors and director are interrupted by six mysterious figures who demand to be put into a play. |
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ACTORS laugh alive arms astonished audience auditorium believe bestiality burst CALIFORNIA SANTA CRUZ coming forward CRUZ The University curtain darling daughter door downstage drama dress everything eyes face fairy-stories FATHER feel footlights fountain front garden gestures give God's sake goes Good-morning happened hear Henry IV hide idiot illusion imagine incest interrupting JUVENILE LEAD ladies LEADING ACTOR LEADING ACTRESS Library The University listen LITTLE BOY little girl look Madame Pace MOTHER Mummy never Pace's Pirandello play Pointing PROMPTER PROMPTER's box quickly reality rehearsal remorse scene script SECOND ACTRESS shame shouting shut Six Characters skycloth smile someone sorry speak STAGE HAND STAGE MANAGER standing STEPDAUGHTER coming stop talk tell theatre there's things told true understand University Library UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA voice wait watch What's woman worry YOUNG ACTOR YOUNG ACTRESS