An Intire System of Arithmetic: Or, Arithmetic in All Its Parts. Containing I. Vulgar; II. Decimal; III. Duodecimal; IV. Sexagesimal; V. Political; VI. Logarithmical; VII. Lineal; VIII. Instrumental; IX. Algebraical. With the Arithmetic of Negatives, and Approximation Or Converging Series ... With an Appendix..., Volume 6 |
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An Intire System of Arithmetic: Or, Arithmetic in All Its Parts: Containing ... Edward Hatton No preview available - 2022 |
An Intire System of Arithmetic: Or, Arithmetic in All Its Parts: Containing ... Edward Hatton No preview available - 2015 |
Common terms and phrases
2dly 3dly added Algebra alſo Annuity Anſwer Arithmetic Baſe becauſe Biquadrate Cafe Canon Cent Chap Circle Column Compound conſiſting Converging Series Cube Root Cubic Equation Cyphers Days Decimal deduct Denominator Diameter Difference Digits Discount ditto divided Dividend Diviſion Diviſor eaſy equal Equation expreſſed Extraction faid fame Farthings Figure firſt Example given Number add gives half Intereſt iſt itſelf laſt Example left hand leſs Line Logarithms Meaſure mixt Number moſt multiply muſt Natural Numbers Number given obſerved Pence Pound Pound Sterling Power preſent Worth produceth Product Progreſſion Prop Proportion Quadratic Quadratic Equations Quantities Queſtion Quote Quotient Radical Sign reduced Remainer reſpective reſts right hand Rods Rule ſaid ſame ſay ſecond SECT ſee ſeveral ſhall ſhew ſingle ſome ſquare Square Root ſtands Subſtraction ſuch ſuppoſe Surds Surfolid Table theſe thoſe Unciæ Units place uſed Value Vulgar Fractions whole Number whoſe
Popular passages
Page 247 - But if it be enquired at what number of Years, it is an even Lay that a Person of any Age shall die...
Page 81 - If three quantities be proportional, the product of the two extremes is equal to the square of the mean ; for, if a : b '.; b : c, then, by theorem 1, ac=b3.
Page 129 - If the errors be alike ; that is, both too fmail, or both too great, divide the difference of the produces by the difference of the errors, and the quotient will be the anfwer.
Page 81 - A mean proportional between any two numbers may also be found by multiplying them together, and extracting the square root of their product. PROBLEM XXIX. To raise a perpendicular from any point D, in...
Page 462 - ... diameter, or a line passing through the centre, and terminating at the surface on both sides. 13. The height or altitude of a solid, is a line drawn from its vertex, or top, perpendicular to its base. MENSURATION OF SUPERFICIES AND SOLIDS. PROBLEM I.
Page 113 - B. 1. 100, to be paid at the end of three Months, .alfo /. 200 to be paid at the end of 4 Months, and /. 300 to be paid at the end of 5 Months : Now to prevent the trouble of many Meetings, they agree to have but one Payment of the three Sums at one time ; the Queftion is, when that muft be, without lofs to either A. or B.
Page 188 - Algebra^ contrived this Rule or Canon, which has but one, and that a fhorter Divifion. i. For the prefent Worth ; Multiply the Days in a Year, the Principal given, and 100, in each other, for the Dividend. And add the Product of 365 by...
Page 65 - Thus if we wish to reduce -ffff to its lowest terms, we could not^o readily do it. In such a case as this there are two ways of doing it ; the first is as follows. RULE FOR REDUCING A FRACTION TO ITS LOWEST TERMS. Divide the terms of the fraction by any number that will divide both, without a remainder. Divide the answer obtained in the same way. Continue thus, till no number can be found that will divide both terms without a remainder.
Page 156 - ... like Cafes there is no more difficulty than in multiplying by a fingle Digit ; for the Number of Cyphers being equal to the places in the Multiplicand, the Product by the 6 falls juft to the left hand of the Product by the 5. But if the Product of the Digit next the left hand by that in Units place, and what is carried be lefs than 10,, then a. Cypher muft be put down between the two Products.