The Rainbow"Set in the rural Midlands of England, The Rainbow (1915) revolves around three generations of the Brangwens, a strong, vigorous family, deeply involved with the land. When Tom Brangwen marries a Polish widow, Lydia Lensky, and adopts her daughter Anna as his own, he is unprepared for the passion that erupts between them. All are seeking individual fulfillment, but it is Ursula, Anna's spirited daughter, who, in her search for self-knowledge, rejects the traditional role of womanhood." "In his introduction, James Wood discusses Lawrence's writing style and the tensions and themes of The Rainbow. This Penguin edition reproduces the Cambridge text, which provides a text as close as possible to Lawrence's original. It also includes suggested further reading, a fragment of 'The Sisters II' from his first draft, and chronologies of Lawrence's life and of The Rainbow's Brangwen family."--BOOK JACKET. |
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afraid Anna arms asked beautiful became began body Brangwen breast bright burned child church cold Cossall Cossethay cried D. H. Lawrence dark dead door earth everything eyes F. R. Leavis face father feel felt fingers flower girl glad glowing gone Gudrun hair hand hard hated head heart husband Ilkeston Kingston-on-Thames kiss knew laughed Lawrence's lifted light living looked marriage married Marsh Marsh Farm morning mother move never night Nottingham novel pale passion quivered rage Rainbow rose round seemed shadow silence Skrebensky soft Sons and Lovers soul stood strange Study of Thomas talked things Thomas Hardy thought Tilly Tom Brangwen took turned Uncle Tom Ursula voice waited walked wanted watched whilst wife Willey Green window Winifred woman Women in Love wonder young