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12 Prop 21 Prop 59 Meridional 59 Proportional Logarithms angle G arithmetical complement calculated ciphers cols column of differences compared with Sherwin's Cosecant Cotangent Diff Cotangent Secant decimal fraction degrees and minutes departure 167 Departure for 34 Difference of Latitude Dish Dep Dist find the logarithm fourth figure fraction less given logarithm given number h m h h mh h mhmh Height Distance hm h hm hm hm Hour A.M. Cosine Hour A.M. HourP.M Hour P.M. Hour Hour P.M. Log Hour P.M. Sine Latitude and Departure left-hand column less than unity logarithm corresponding Logarithms of Numbers MHour Multiply Natural Sines number corresponding number of degrees number of seconds number sought P.M. Hour A.M. places of figures prefix the index quotient refraction right hand Secant of 105 sideral Sine of 24 sought logarithm Table XXVII Tangent top or bottom Ι ΟΙ.Ο ΙΟΙ ΟΙ.Ι