Understanding the Small Family Business

Front Cover
Denise E. Fletcher
Routledge, 2002 - Business & Economics - 224 pages
It is estimated that family businesses comprise between 60-90 % of all firms in Europe and the United States. This book makes an important contribution to the understanding of small family firms by bringing together a number of key themes in management/organisation studies. Reviewing a range of theoretical approaches, examining key literature and drawing from an international range of primary research, it also points to the future of research in this arena, and indicates how support and policy initiatives may be directed in the future.

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About the author (2002)

Denise E. Fletcher is Senior Lecturer at Nottingham Business School, teaching Business Development, Entrepreneurship and Research Methodology in the MBA and Masters programmes. She has also taught on small business and entrepreneurship courses delivered in Greece, France, Poland the Czech Republic and Kenya. Over the last ten years Dr. Fletcher has been working will small companies through a variety of research projects addressing business development issues in small firms. Her research interests also extend to family firms and her doctoral thesis was on the topic of strategic change issues in the small, family business. She has participated extensively in European workships, conferences and research projects, and has published widely in the small business literature.