Antimachus Colophonius

Front Cover
Brill, 2020 - History - 227 pages
SGG 2 offers a commented critical edition of the preserved textual fragments from the Homeric studies of the Greek scholar-poet Antimachus of Colophon (floruit ca. 400 bce). If as an epic and elegiac poet Antimachus was a forerunner of the Alexandrian docta poesis, he was also an editor and scholar of Homer's Iliad and Odyssey, producing an ekdosis of both poems (the first among the so-called kat'andra 'editions') and a syngramma, i.e. monograph, in which he dealt with biographical, exegetical and glossographical issues.

About the author (2020)

MARTA FOGAGNOLO is PhD student in Classics at the University of Pisa. Her scientific interests include Greek epic, ancient Homeric scholarship, and epigraphy.

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