GB/T 3050-2000 Translated English of Chinese Standard (GBT3050-2000): Inorganic chemical products for industrial use. General method for determination of chloride content. Potentiometric method [Buy--download True-PDF in 3-second: > Sign in > This BOOK > "3-dots" > Export > Save as "*.pdf"]

Front Cover, Sep 3, 2021 - Science - 15 pages
This part of GB/T 30159 specifies two test methods for measuring stain resistance of textiles, namely liquid staining method and solid staining method; gives an evaluation index of stain resistance. This part applies to all types of textile fabrics and their products. According to the product type and purpose, it may select one or two methods. The test results, which are obtained by using different soils and methods, are not comparable. This part does not apply to coated fabrics for membrane structures. When the color of the specimen and the solid dirt are similar, it should not use the solid staining method for evaluation.

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About the author (2021) specializes in providing translation services of all Chinese Standards.

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