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A GATHERING of Caissa's votaries, on a grand scale, is to take place at Manchester, on the 6th and 7th inst. As the Editor has accepted an invitation politely sent to him by the committee of the Manchester Chess-clubs, we shall be able to give a faithful report of the proceedings in our next number.

Szen, the great Hungarian Chess-player, is, we learn, at present staying in Paris, where he has been playing very successfully against the strongest players. With M. Laroche he had only played two games, Szen winning one, the other being drawn, when M. Laroche was obliged to leave Paris for Bayonne, where he at present resides.

Mr. Lowenthal continues to challenge Mr. Harrwitz, being, all the while, determined to avoid playing. If he were really anxious to play, and not merely acting under the order of making a demonstration, he knows what he would have to do. Mr. Harrwitz wishes to impose no condition that could have the least influence on his opponent's play; he only wishes to guard himself against unfair, or prejudiced and personal criticisms, by a stipulation that the games of the match should not be sent to a certain quarter, which is sufficiently notorious for attacks of the above nature.

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White to move, and mate in four moves with either Pawn.

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White to play, and mate in six moves, with the P. on K. 2.



A FEW days previous to his visit to Manchester, Mr. Harrwitz received the following reply to his challenge to Mr. Staunton. "Barnes, Surrey, May 3, 1853.

SIR,-Your note, proposing to play a Match at Chess with me, has just been forwarded to my residence here. In reply, I beg to refer you to a challenge, which I have for some time prepared to be made public at the forthcoming Manchester Chess Meeting, in which I offer, upon certain terms, to play a match with any player in the world.

This challenge was more especially intended for the acceptance of Mr. Anderssen, of Breslau, with whom I am naturally desirous of playing, but it is of course open to any one; and if taken up by you, I shall be willing to modify the conditions, as far as is consistent with my now settled arrangements for the season, to meet your wishes.

I remain, yours obediently,

Herr Harrwitz, Surrey Street, Strand, London."

The novel and evasive method of answering a direct and previous challenge, by referring the challenger to a general and prospective challenge of one's own, is one the propriety of which we think exceedingly questionable. Leaving our readers, however, to judge for themselves of the fairness and straight-forwardness of an answer of this nature, we make no comment upon it here, but refer the chess-reading public to our account of the late Chess festival in Manchester, where it will be seen that Mr. Staunton distinctly refused to accept the challenge given to him, to play a match at Chess, by Mr. Harrwitz.



1. That the match be played in a private room at some Hotel in London.

2. That the number of persons to be admitted during the


play be limited to four friends of each party, exclusive of the umpire.

3. That the party first winning eleven games be declared the victor.

4. That the meetings of the players take place thrice a week, on alternate days, until the match be concluded, and that at least, one game be played out at each sitting.

5. That the play commence at noon on each day of meeting, and that either party, not being present within half-an-hour of the appointed time forfeit one guinea for each offence, and if more than one hour beyond the appointed time, the forfeit in every such case to be one game, added to the adversary's score.

6. That the players be limited to from five to twenty minutes on each move, at the option of Mr. Harrwitz's opponent.

7. As this challenge is not a mere brag, but intended for acceptance, Mr. Harrwitz proposes a stake of fifty guineas a-side, but is ready to meet the wish for an increased amount.

8. That the stakes be deposited in the hands of some third party, to be agreed upon previous to the commencement of the play.

Mr. Harrwitz will readily consent to any reasonable modification of the foregoing preliminaries, that may be considered desirable.

This challenge is open to all players in the world; but if not accepted within the next three months, shall no longer be binding upon Mr. Harrwitz.

14, Surrey Street, Strand, London, June 1st, 1853.

MR. SZEN, the well-known Hungarian Chess potentate, has just paid a visit to our metropolis, and during his stay, the five following interesting parties were contested between him and the Editor.

(Black) Mr. H.

1. K. P. 2

2. K. B. P. 2

3. K. Kt. to B. 3

4. K. R. P. 2


(White) Mr. S.

1. K. P. 2

2. P. takes P.

3. K. Kt. P. 2

4. K. Kt. P. 1

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