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fuit de cartron' in Calraghportenower.-Brian' Mc.Hobart O'Ferrall & Gerald' Mc.Hobart O' Ferrall, interfect' ut supra, seis' fuer de cartron' in vil' & campis de Craighedowe.-Shaene Mc.Gerott O'Ferrall, attinct', Ross Mc.Gerott O'Ferrall, interfect', Cahell Mc.Gerott O'Ferrall & Jac' Mc.Gerott O'Ferrall, attinct' ut supra, seis' fuer' de 2 cartron' ter' in vil' & campis de Mollevorny.-Edm' Mc. Donagh carragh O'Ferrall, interfect' ut supra, seis fuit de 3 cartron' in Cowleroy-Edm Mc.Tho' Mc.Mortagh, attinet', & Dermit' Mc.Tho' Mc.Mortagh, Morgh Mc.Tho' Mc.Murtagh & Owen Mc.Thro' Mc. Murtogh, interfect', seis' fuer' de cartron' in Tworegoun.-Edm' Mc.Hobbert Mc. Fergus O'Ferrall, interfect', seis' fuit de cartron' in vil' & campis de Monesillagh.-Rowric' Mc. Rosse O'Ferrall, interfect', seis' fuit de 2 cartron' in Caltraghportenower.-Jac' Mc.Shaen roe O'Ferrall, interfect', seis' fuit de cartron' in vil' & campis de Carowrory.-Hobert bane Mc.Edin' O'Ferrall, attinct', Brian' Mc.Hug' O'Ferrall, Edm' Mc.Morgh O'Ferrall, Maur' Mc. Wil' Mc. Hug' O'Ferrall, Shaen boy Mc. Wil' O'Ferrall & Gerott Mc. Hug' O'Ferrall, interfect', seis' fuer' de 4 cartron' in Carowrory, Ballaghkillecahell, Callein & Bunneherve.-Jac' Mc.Teige O'Ferrall, attinct', Moroghe Mc.Teige O'Ferrall, Wil' keaghe Mc.Hobert O'Ferrall, Hug' douff Mc. Gerott O'Ferrall & Melaghlin boy Mc. Gerrott O' Ferrall, interfect', seis' fuer' de 5 cartron' in Killnegoare.-Rowric' Mc.Turlagh O'Ferrall, interfect', seis' fuit de 1 cartron' in Knockneclohy.-Morogh Mc.Rowry O'Ferrall, Melaghlin Mc. Rowry O'Ferrall & Edm' Mc. Rowry O'Ferrall, attinct', seis' fuer' de 3 cartron' in Dirredarragh.-Brian' Mc.Tirlagh Mc. Mortaghe, attinct', seis' fuit de cartron' in Cryvaghmore.-Faghny Mc.Teige O'Ferrall, attinct', seis' fuit de 1 cartron' ter' in vil' & campis de Cartronmartoge, 1 castr' & cartron' in Cloghthomasbrowne, 1 cartron' in Cartoneurdacky,cartron' in Cartonboy, cartron' in Kippersaghe & cartron' in Agheward in Cryvaghemor.-Brian' ban Me.Hugh, interfect', seis' fuit de dimid' 3 cartron' ter' in Derrygawony.-Jac' Mc. Hobert Mc.James O'Ferrall, attinct', & Hobert oge Mc.Hobert Mc.James O'Ferrall, interfect', seis' fuer' de 4 cartron' ter' in Cowlentragh.Dermot ban Mc. Faghny O'Ferrall, attinct', seis' fuit de 3 cartron' in Cowlentragh.-Edm' Mc.James O'Ferrall, attinct', seis' fuit de 1 cartron' in Cowlentragh.-Hobert Mc.Edm' O'Ferrall, & Tho' douff O'Ferrall, attinct', seis' fuer' de 4 cartron' in Lehery.Edm' Mc.Cahell O'Ferrall, attinct', & Teig Mc. Cahell O'Ferrall, interfect', seis' fuer' de 4 cartron' in Tollyverrall, & 1 castr' & 1 al' cartron' in Bealaleig.-Conogher Mc.Cahell O'Ferrall, attinct' & interfect', seis' fuit de 2 cartron' in Aghenegnoe.-Teig Mc.Donoghe Mc.Teige O'Ferrall & Wil' Mc.Donoghe Mc.Teige O'Ferrall, interfect', seis' fuer' de 4 cartron' in Cargeine.-Gerot Mc. Hug' O'Ferrall & Donald' Mc. Donill Mc.Hug O'Ferrall, interfect', seis' fuer' de 2 cartron' in Cargeine pd'.-Brian' Mc. Mortagh O'Ferrall, attinct', seis' fuit de 3 cartron' in Lissawly. Cahell croan O'Ferrall & Donald' Mc.Thomas, interfect', seis' fuer' de 6 cartron' in Clowniny.-Wil' Mc.Hobert O'Ferrall & Dermit Mc.Hobert O'Ferrall, interfect',seis' fuer' de 2 cartron' ter' in Barraviragha & 1 cartron' ter' in Fworchill. -Felym' Mc.Gillernowe O'Ferrall, interfect', Fergus Mc.Gillernowe O'Ferrall, attinct', Jac' Mc. Gillernowe O'Ferrall, interfect', Ross Mc.Gillernow O'Ferrall, attinct' & interfect', Foghny keighe Mc.Gillernow O'Ferrall & Lisagh Mc.Gillernow O'Ferrall, attinct', seis' fuer' de 16 cartron' in Aghologhane, Rathclin & Kearrownegiraghe.-Fergus Mc. Felym O'Ferrall & Gerald' Mc. Felym O'Ferrall, attinct', seis' fuer' de 3 cartron' in Kearowchiell.-Edm' Mc. Brian' cary O'Ferrall, interfect', & Galfrid' Mc. Brian' cary O'Ferrall, attinct', seis' fuer' de 3 cartron' in Fourchill & Divygavney.-Brian' Mc.Hug' O'Ferrall, attinct', seis' fuit de 1 cartron' in Cartonneranny, & cartron' in Fourchiell. -Galfrid' Mc.Tho' oge O'Ferrall, interfect', & Edm' Mc.Tho' O'Ferrall, attinct', seis fuer' de cartron' in Dirry.-Lisagh Mc. Hobert O'Ferrall & Ferreaghe Mc Hobert O'Ferrall, interfect', seis' fuer' de 2 cartron' in Faehey.-Turlagh Mc. Cormock O'Ferrall, interfect', seis' fuit de 1 cartron' in Qwillagh juxta Clownainy. -Tirlagh Mc. Rory O'Ferrall, & Gerald' Mc.Tirlagh O'Ferrall, interfect', & Jac' keagh Mc.Hug' O'Ferrall, attinct', seis' fuer' de 1 castr' & 1 cartron' in Clownswotie & 7 cartron' in Clownmorishe, 'Clownart & Ballenacarowe.-Jac' Mc.Morgh voiell O'Ferrall, interfect', seis' fuit de cartron' in Clownbally.-Galfrid' Mc. Hug' douffe O'Ferrall, interfect', seis' fuit de cartron' in Clownaghe. -Donald' Mc. Hug' O'Ferrall, interfect', seis' fuit de cartron' in Dowbricke.-Tirlagh Mc.James O'Ferrall & Hobart Mc.James O'Ferrall, interfect', seis' fuer' de cartron' in Killereher.Brian' Mc. Rowry O'Ferrall, interfect', seis' fuit de 1 cartron' in Aghvaltan & cartron' in Shanclone & Baghelehy.-Cabell Mc.Cormicke O'Ferrall, interfect', seis' fuit de dimid' cartron' in Clonagh.-Donald' Mc. Ferrall O'Ferrall, interfect', seis' fuit de dimid' cartron' in Corenemowe.-Owney Mc.Donell douff O'Ferrall, attinct', seis' fuit de cartron' in Clownaghe.-Brian' Mc.Donell douff O'Ferrall & Donald' oge O'Ferrall, interfect', seis' fuer' de cartron' in Clownaghe pd'.-Shaen Mc.Gerot


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A. D. 1603.

O'Ferrall, interfect', seis' fuit de cartron' in Clownagh pd'.Diermid Mc.Cahell O'Ferrall & Fergus Mc.Cahell O'Ferrall, attinct', & Owen Mc. Meleaghlin O'Ferrall & Wil' Me.Ca hell O'Ferrall, interfect', seis' fuer' de cartron' in Netherclowne & cartron' in Corragarow.-Fergus Mc.Cahell O'Ferrall, attinct', seis' fuit de cartron' in Gortinechoill.-Wil' Mc.Cahell O'Ferrall, interfect', seis' fuit de cartron' in Bonegarwey.-Owney Mc.Donell O'Ferrall', interfect', seis' fuit de 1 cartron' in Leachill & cartron' in Kynaghe:-Donald' oge Mc.Donald' O'Ferrall, interfect', seis' fuit de cartron' in Lissanagoege & cartron' in Killivyhane.--Edm' Mc.Tirlaghe O'Ferrall, attinct', seis' fuit de 1 cartron' in Grinchan.-Lisagh Mc.Hobert O'Ferrall & Conock Mc.Hobert O'Ferrall, interfect', seis' fuer' de 1 cartron' in Toneyne.-Loughlin Mc. Donell Mc.Inleane, attinct', seis' fuit de cartron' in Gortevoyny & cartron' in Barraghmor.-Shaen Mc.Bryan' Mc.Inleave, attinct', seis' fuit de cartron' in Briskchill.-Melaghlin McDonell O'Ferrall, attinct', seis' fuit de 1 cartron' in Ballaghichonellan & 1 cartron' in Clagill.-Shaen Mc.Gerrott O'Ferrall, Teige Mc.Gerrott O'Ferrall, Morghe Mc.Gerott O'Ferrall & Cahill Mc. Donoghe O'Ferrall, attinct', seis' fuer' de 4 cartron' in Ballycheny; & pd' Shaen, Teige & Morghe etiam seis' fuer' de 1 cartron' in Kryeghe, 1 cartron' in Carrick, 1 cartron' in Brisk chillmor & cartron' in Clonine.-Teig Mc. Rowry O'Ferrall, Shane Mc. Rowry O'Ferrall, Donell Mc. Brien O'Ferrall & Cahell Mc.Brien O'Ferrall, attinct', seis' fuer' de 2 cartron' in Ballemacbrien.-Edm' Mc.Connor O'Ferrall, Cahell Mc.Connor O'Ferrall, Ric' Mc.Dermott O'Ferrall, Hobert Mc. Morghe O'Ferrall, Hug' Mc.Morghe O'Ferrall, Geralt Mc.Morghe O'Ferrall, Shane Mc.Donell O'Ferrall, Patric Mc.Donell O'Ferrall & Wil' Mc.Donell O'Ferrall, attinct', seis' fuer' de 3 cartron' in Kilmor.-Conell O'Ferrall, Edm' O'Ferrall, Jac' O'Ferrall, Maur' oge O'Ferrall & Brian' Mc. Morghe O'Ferrall, attinct', seis' fuer' de 1 cartron' in Clonbaill & 1 cartron' in Anaghe. Fergus Mc.Hobert O'Ferrall & Shaene Mc.Ho. bert O'Ferrall, attinct', seis' fuer' de 1 cartron' in Moneard, I cartron' in Leavagh, 1 cartron' in Clonprughliske & 1 cartron' in Dowchill.-Edm' Mc. Hobert O'Ferrall, attinct', seis' fuit de 1 cartron' in Corryvillan.-Edm' O'Ferrall & jermani sui Faghney O'Ferrall & Shaen O'Ferrall, attinct', seis' fuer' de 1 cartron' in Corgarow.-Gerot Mc. Meleaghlin O'Ferrall de Clahigill, attinct', seis' fuit de 1 cartron' in Rahany & Dyerhone & I al' cartron' in Coreogreany.-Brian' Mc.Inleane, attinct', seis' fuit de 1 cartron' in Gurtinehilley.-Shaen Mc.Inleane, attinct', seis' fuit de 1 cartron' in Krynaghe.-Shaene Mc.Inleane, attinct', seis' fuit de 1 cartron' in Gortinornyn.-Shaen O'Canyn & Tad' ] O'Canyn, attinct', seis' fuer' de cartron' in loer Gurtinornyn & cartron' in Lissevoy.-Shaene Mc.Inleane, attinct', seis' fuit de cartron' in Dorrechane.-Dermod' Mc.Inlane, attinct', seis', fuit de cartron' in Dorrechare pd'.-Patric' Mc.Inleane, attinct', seis' fuit de 1 cartron' in Garuchill.-Lisaghe Mc.Morgh O'Ferrall, interfect', seis' fuit de 2 cartron' in Killiny, pcell' de Clonoghera.-Rowric' Mc.Cahell O'Ferrall, attinct', seis' fuit de 1 cartron' in Clonoghra.-Maur' Mc.Eward O'Ferrall, Cowlie Mc.Eward O'Ferrall, Connor Mc. Eward O'Ferrall, Tho' Mc.Eward O'Ferrall & Brian' Mc.Eward O'Ferrall, attinct', seis' fuer' de 1 cartron' in Corboy.-Brian' duffe Mc.Conell O'Ferrall, Shaen Mc.Conell O'Ferrall, attinct', seis' fuer' de cartron' in Corronly, cartron' in Brackly, cartron' in Toronyattan & cartron' in Bunegreaghe.-Faghny O'Ferrall & Teig boy Mc.Donell O'Ferrall, attinct', seis fuer de 1 cartron' in Clongisse & 1 al' cartron' in Corr.-Donell oge Mc. Donell O'Ferrall & Wil' O'Ferrall, attinct' & interfect', seis' fuer' de 1 cartron' in Lietrom, 1 cartron' in Lisduff & 1 al' cartron' in Breagh.-Hug' Mc.Donogh O'Ferrall & Melaghlin Mc.Donogh echarr O'Ferrall, interfect', seis' fuer' de 3 cartron' in Knocke.-Brian' ban O'Ferrall, interfect', seis' fuit de 4 cartron' in Derregany, Dromharsny & Kalltraghmor.-Galfrid' O'Ferrall, seis' fuit de 1 cartron' in Derregany pd'.-Shaen boy O'Ferrall & Tomoltaghe O'Ferrall, interfect', seis' fuer' de 1 cartron' in Coroule.-Brian' dorragh O'Ferrall & Owney Mc.Donogh O'Ferrall, interfect', seis' fuer' de 1 al' cartron' in Coroule pd'.-Cahell Mc. Ric' O'Ferrall, interfect', seis' fuit de cartron' in Towneychowry.-Mortagh Mc. Melaghlin O'Ferrall, interfect', seis' fuit de cartron' in Coroule pd'.-Shaen Mc.Donogh O'Ferrall & Brian' Mc.Donogh O'Ferrall, interfect', seis' fuer de 4 cartron' in Karrowneskeagh.-Brian' Mc. Mortagh O'Ferrall, interfect', seis' fuit de 2 cartron' in Lehery.-Tho' carragh O'Ferrall, attinet, seis' fuit de 2 cartron' in Gurtinegarr.-Shaen Mc. Wil' O'Ferrall & Donell Mc.Edm' O'Ferrall, interfect', seis' fuer' de 3 cartron' in Coulcroy. Teig Mc. Donell O'Ferrall, interfect', seis' fuit de 1 cartron' in Lehery pd'.-Gillernowe douff O'Ferrall, attinct', seis' fuit de 2 cartron' in Formoule.-Shaen ballagh O'Ferrall, attinct', seis' fuit de 1 cartron' in Carrownelwragh. Rowric' Mc.Dermot O'Ferrall, interfect', seis' fuit de 2 cartron' in Cargine.-Carbery douff O'Ferrall, attinct', seis' fuit de 3 cartron' in DorgawnyBrian' Mc.Hug' O'Ferrall, attinct', seis' fuit de 1 cartron' in Car

tronerany, & cartron' in Fourchiell.-Brian' boy Mc.Laghlin O'Ferrall, attinct', seis' fuit de 4 cartron' in Coullentragh.-Rosse O'Ferrall, attinct', seis' fuit de castr' & 3 cartron' in Longeford', 1 cartron' in Glacke, 2 cartron' in Lyevry, 1 cartron' in Hasna, 1 cartron' in Lyeny & cartron' in Glannagh.Brian' O'Ferrall, attinct', seis' fuit de 1 castr' & 1 cartron' in ] 1 cartron' in Hasny, I cartron' vocat' Cartrone[ keraty, 1 cartron' in Lyetrom, 2 cartron' in Tonyvardan & Arde1 cartron' in Geills, 1 cartron' cullen, 1 cartron' in [ in Malle, 1 castr' & 2 cartron' in Coulcor, 1 cartron' in Ballibrien, cartron' in Glanaghe, 1 cartron' in Cowlgowen, 1 cartron' in Rowe & cartron' in Ballinarraghan.—õia ter', ten' & herediť pd fuer' ptit & divis' inter coheredes, secundu consuetudine patrie & co' Longford' pd', in gavelkynd ; &, ratione attinctur' & interfection' pson pd' in rebellione, ptinent ad Regem.

Ib' 16 Jul' an' 2.

(2) RÒRIC' bane Mc.LAUGHLIN, nup de Monylagan in co' Longford', seis' fuit de castr' de Monilaggan, & cert' ter' contin' 1 cartron' arrabil'; & sic seis', de alt' pdičon' attinct' fuit.Pmiss', ea de causa, Regi nunc ptinent.-MOROGH O'FERRALL, & CONNOR MC.AULY de Aughenegor in co' pd', seis' fuer' de cartron' ter' in Aughnegor; sic seis' attinct' fuer', & pmiss', ea de causa, Regi ptinent.-LYSHAGH DUFFE O'FERRALL nup de Corbally in co' pd', seis' fuit de castr' de Newton, ac de tribz dimid' cartron' ter' in Corbally & Newton.-Sic seis', attinct' fuit, & Pmiss', ea de causa, Regi ptinent.-BRIAN' Mc.SHANE de Newton pd' seis' fuit de cartron' ter' in Newton & Corbally. Sic seis', attinct' fuit, & @miss', ea de causa, Regi ptinent.-CAELL O'FERRALL seis' fuit de 1 parv' insula & cartron' ter' vocat' "the Cloninge".-Sic seis', attinct' fuit, & pmiss', ea de causa, Regi ptinent.-ROSSE O'FERRALL, nup de Lisnenona in co' Longford', seis' fuit de castr', ac de integr' vil' de le Moate ac de 5 cartron' ter', 1 castr' in Lisnenona, & 2 cartron' ter' eisde spectan', 4 cartron' in Killenesaragh, & 8 cartron' in Ballimacormick in co' @d'.-JAC' O'FERRALL de Clonard clamat un' purptem, p consuetud' de gavelkinde, in le Moate pd'. --pd' ROSSE O'FERRALL, sic seis', de alt' pdicon' attinct' fuit.

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Ardaghe 4th April 10th year.

(3) The ancient bounds & meares of the countie of Longford are as followeth, viz. beginninge betwixt the said countie and the countie of Cavan at Ballevollan, being in the east parte of the said countie of Longford, wher ther is a water or forde stretchinge as a meare through a bogge into Loghkemerye, which is the ryver of the Ennye, and from the river of the Camae which leaveth the said river; and the meare from thence goeth through a moore called "the moore of the Melraghe", and a water from thence called "the Melraghe" goeth, as a meare, betwixt Clonmore in Westmeath and Kiltefenton parte of this countie; and from thence in a lane betwixt Lysviccaffrie in Westmeath and Ballow in this countie, and so in a ditche betwixt Cowlamroe-more in Westmeath and Cowlamroe-begge in this countie; and from thence, betwixt Kilmore in Westmeath and Freghmyne in this countie the meare goeth in a water betwixte Gartenere in Westmeath and the moten vallye in this countie, from thence through the moore betwixt the strade in Westmeath and Cloncallie in this countie, through a moore betwixt Tenoed in Westmeath and Corclaraghe in this countie, and so betwixt the rath in Westmeath, and Clonfylan in this countie; and so the meare goeth through a bogge betwixte Coole in Westmeath and Kilsallaghe in this countie, and throwe a lake called Laghnegalle lyinge betwixt Diregoan in Westmeath and Lyssenowre in this countie, and so through the said lake to Lougheranyn in a water running thorow Curagefooke, a bog betwixt Killananghe in Westmeath and Crosseh in this countie; through the moore betwixt Rahaspicke in Westmeath and Clontemǝlane in this countie, and into the river of the Ennye, and so about and thorow the said ryver into Mondonchoe beinge a great moore, and through the Puttechan, and so to Loghcoyrie stretchinge to the moore of the Belloughe and through the said moore, and from thence, in a brooke from the moore, thorow Cloncullan; the said water passeth as a meare to Curaghneine, and so to Belnagasaghe, which water goeth into the ryver called the Innon which goeth as a meare thorough the said river to the mille, and from the mill through a bogge to Cloghnegiraghe, and so thorough to Toghernecreggie, and so through a bogge betwixt Ballerae, in Westmeath and Clonkyne in this countie, and through the said moore to the foorde called Aghnecoregloghedie, and so into Loughrie, and throughe the said loughe to Bellabegge, Incochboghline and all other the islands betwixt the said islande and Ballaliegge is of this countie, and from Ballaliegge alonge to the ryver of Shanyne to Balladogoghe, and through the great moore to the bogge of Clonaghe, and thoroghe a bogge betwixt Clonaghe in the countie of Leytrime and Clontmogher in this countie, and thoroughe a bogge to Balnacaraghe, and from thence aryver to the bogge or moore of Clonbarre, and from thence

through the moore of Monescae to Eskitawe, and throughe the said Monescae neere to the Tunerie, and through Monescae aforesaid by Derrynecrott, and from thence thorough the said moore to Gobcoryenylan, and thorough the said moore to the water called Gobnecorrabaun, and the said water leadeth a meare into Moynchapell, which is a ryver that goeth to Bellamuddine, which goeth to the lowest end of Loughsallaghe; from Loughsallaghe the meare passeth by a small water to Loghnevodelye, from thence thorough a small water to Loughkillberrevagh, through a small water from the said loghe to Loghneclery, and from that loughe to Bellacknockboye; from that loughe through a water called Duffe to Loughdore, and from Loughdore alonge the said ryver to Lougheber, and thorough the said ryver to Belinendallan, and so thorough another water to Cranaghdirenedan, alonge a small water to Bellanekinchine, through a water to Lysrought and into Loughgannyne, and thorough the said loughe betwixte the ilande of Staboge and Tullconcho, and thoroughe the said lough to the moore of Cranbone, and thoroughe the said moore betwixt Donbegan in this countie, and the woode of Dyrene-ferst in Tulleconcho, and againe into the said Loughgononye, and thorough the same to Snabeneracke, which is parte of that lough, betwixt Montergeran in this countie and Clanmahon in the countie of Cavan, and from that lough is a brooke that stretcheth from the said lough to Ballebillen, all which are now knowen meares of this countie.-The barony of Leytryme, the barronye of Moyhell and the barronye of Carrickalen, being now reputed parte of the countrie of Leytrim, weare meade parte of this countie at the first makinge thereof.-There is within the said countie of Longford these severall baronies hereafter named, viz. Granarde, Ardaghe, Longforde, Srowell, Moydowe & Rathcline.The barony of Granard consisteth of the severall territories of Clanshane and Slewcarberie.-The said territorie of Clanshane contayneth these severall cartrons of land, hereafter ensuinge, which have byn, from tyme to tyme, chargeable with the composi čon of 300t. p an' latelye granted to sir Nicholas Malbye knt. and his heirs, and also chargeable with a rateable parcell of the chief rent of 120 beeves due to his Maties castle & mannor of Granarde, to be equallye laid upon the cartrons hereafter named, viz. Lissifeata contayning 2 cartrons, Ballinlaghe 2 cartrons, Coulcor & Shancton 2 cartrons, Racorre 2 cartrons, Ballenchon and Ballemacgillochriste 2 cartrons, Ballnegall 2 cartrons, Gallyd 2 cartrons, Tromroe 2 cartrons, Carhye 14 cartron, Aghenegarron 2 cartrons, Cloghcornell 2 cartrons, Criby 4 cartrons, Portegortine 2 cartrons, Ballranyll 2 cartrons, Ballynarrachan cartron, Ballnecros 2 cartrons, Kinchill 2 cartrons, Ballygin 2 cartrons, Ballrobine 2 cartrons, Tonyn 2 cartrons, Killosonnye 2 cartrons, Corgrane 1 cartron, Clonfyne & Killyn 2 cartrons, Moniscribaghe & Cowlartie 2 cartrons, Lisraghetecan 1 cartron, Cartronecarte and Torcnappaghe 2 cartrons, Baghilboy and Prughlisan 2 cartrons, Breaghboy and Kilderyne 1 cartron, Coulnemeregan and Shehan 2 cartrons, Killnisevye and Castlenebrocke 2 cartrons, Corbehie and Shanclone 2 cartrons, Corkillyn 1 cartron, Dromylye and Ewkineightraghe 4 cartrons, Tawlaghe and Moate 2 cartrons, Ballinrode cartron, Lyssomyne and Cartronreoghe 2 cartrons, Clonlawchill 2 cartrons, Dromenecrosse and Gernince 2 cartrons, Lysduffe cartron, Cartonseiellaghe and Cartonebarre 2 cartrons, Kilnemodage 1 cartron, Lyssychune and Cartronvocher 2 cartrons, Corrye 1 cartron, Lyssychenedye and Knockanbane 1 cartron, Newton 2 cartrons, Corbally 1 cartron, Ballyholechan and Aghontise 1 cartron and a mill, Clannaghe 1 cartron, Lisnenoanaghe and Mullienoragh 2 cartrons, Killinecharan cartron, Kilnemade 1 cartron, Corricahill 1 cartron, Cavan i cartron, Garoughe 1 cartron, Monyduffe 1 cartron, Gurtinechell 1 cartron, Corlingforde 1 cartron, Edderclon 1 cartron, Ardechullen 2 cartrons, & Monyhengowne 1 cartron.-The said territorie contayneth these free landes following, viz. Granarde containeing 3 cartrons, Cartonegeraghe 1 cartron, Ramoe 1 cartron, Ballemorishe 1 cartron, Ballebryen 2 cartrons, Montergeran 8 cartrons, Tenivordan 2 cartrons, Leytryme 2 cartrons, Muckersaghe 2 cartrons, Asnaghe 2 cartrons, & Tullye 2 cartrons. -There are in the said territorie thes severall abbaye lands, viz. the abbaye of Larha containing 18 cartrons, the abbaye of Inchemore 15 cartrons, & the abby lande of Cloghballinemanaghe 6 cartrons.-There is, within the said territorie, the several termon landes ensuinge, viz. Clonebronye containeing 8 cartrons, & Granardekill 2 cartrons.-The said territorie of Slewcarberie contayneth these severall cartrons of land, chargeable as aforesaid, viz. Aghenhaghliske 2 cartrons, Moyne 2 cartrons, Fayhorre 2 cartrons, Dramyhalry 2 cartrons, Eanaghe 2 cartrons, Roseduffe 2 cartrons, Smeare 2 cartrons, Crott and Byrinye 2 cartrons, Cornedronoha 2 cartrons, Rathmore 2 cartrons, Dunbegan and Aghnecloghye 2 cartrons, Aghocheyn 2 cartrons, Sonnaghe 2 cartrons, Aghechirine, and Aghecoredrinan 2 cartrons, Mally and Aghekillmore 2 cartrons, Aghegreaghe 2 cartrons, Lislegh and Kilsruhill 2 cartrons, Agheardchill and Dromdergie 2 cartrons, Clonkyne and Aghashannagh 2 cartrons & Cowlynane and Kilte


cloghe 2 cartrons.-The baronnie of Ardagh consisteth of the severall territories following, Sleughtwilliam, parte of Mountergalgan, parte of Clangillernon, Correbege, parte of Moylrawne called Farrireoghe, Ballymaccormick and diverse other parcells.~ The said territorie of Sleughtwilliam contayneth these severall parcells of lands, chargeable as aforesaid, Kiltefintine 2 cartrons, Blightoge 2 cartrons, Lisrian 2 cartrons, Ballow 1 cartron, Malliaghe cartron, Mongiholehane cartron, Ballaghgowlye 1 cartron, Frighan 1 cartron, Clonetonnye 2 cartrons, Corry 1 cartron, Cooleamberbeg 1 cartron, Freaghmyn 1 cartron, Clonekaghe 1 cartron, Leaughill 1 cartron, Monedarragh 1 cartron, Kilsallagh 1 cartron, Cammane 1 cartron, Lisnegrisie cartron, Lisemire cartron, Barnye 1 cartron, Tomedoochan 2 cartrons, Tymynar 1 cartron, Camliske 2 cartrons, Lackan 1 cartron, Bracklonye 4 cartrons, Caftroreoghe 1 cartron, Kilkerry cartron, Lismagonine cartron, Rossmyn 1 cartron, Ewkyne 1 cartron, Mollengihie 1 cartron, Goohurte 1 cartron, Cranalaghe 1 cartron, Motenvally cartron, Rowinevennye 1 cartron, Kaloghe 1 cartron, Roanyne 1 cartron, Lagharde 1 cartron, Lysnegeraghe 1 cartron, Masetrome 1 cartron, Aghnetorrye 1 cartron, Aghedonowchow 1 cartron, Kaltragh 1 cartron, Corrclaraghe 1 cartron, Rowengaronye cartron, & Motevarde cartron.-The said territorie of Clangillernon containeth these severall parcells of lande, chargeable as aforesaid, viz. Lysnemuckyel cartron, Liserlettye 1 cartron, Monyhoman 1 cartron, Clonrase 1 cartron, Criaghduffe 1 cartron, Coolehenchie 1 cartron, Liscolle 1 cartron, two Gortnehassaghes 1 cartron, Omorryfadda 1 cartron, Ballymacwilliam 2 cartrons, Cartroncapull 1 cartron, Lysnedaraghe and Aghlynagh 1 cartron, Corduffie 1 cartron, Killinlassartagh 4 cartrons, Coolle-Ishill 2 cartrons, Greallaghe and Dromlogher 1 cartron, Clonkafill 1 cartron, & Lysnesilaghe 1 cartron.-The territorie of Ballymaccormick contains 8 cartrons, all free lande ensuinge, viz. the territorie of Corbegg containeth these 8 cartrons of free lands, viz. Ballymackigan 3 cartrons, Slake 1 cartron, Knockuck 1 cartron, Lismac-Iver 1 cartron, & Farnaghe 2 cartrons.-Ther are diverse other free lands in the said barony dispersed in severall parts, viz. Ballinrye 2 cartrons, Ravalldrine 1 cartron, Lysaghnedine 4 cartrons, Raholrade 3 cartrons, Drombane 1 cartron, Lysfralloghteraghe 1 cartron, Lysfralleighteragh 2 cartrons, Clonearde 2 cartrons, Lyserdowly 4 cartrons, Clonecosvye 1 cartron, Coolennye 2 cartrons, Clewraghe 1 cartron, Fearaghafadda 2 cartrons, Coolekagh 2 cartrons, Tonegarvogen 1 cartron, and also 3 cartrons of Longforde in the south side of the river.-Ther is certaine church lande within the said barronie, viz. Glan containeing 4 cartrons, Ardbaghell 1 cartron, Baornegaolle 1 cartron, Baorneclaghtikewo 2 cartrons, Crosse 2 cartrons, Cornan 1 cartron, Ballywalter 1 cartron, Lysneskeaghe 1 cartron, Ardnyskine 1 cartron, in Ardage 1 cartron, & Templemichell 13 cartron; and also abbay lande, viz. Ballinesegarte 2 cartrons, belonginge to the nunnerye of Ballintegarte; and also termon lande, viz. Ballinruddye 2 cartrons, & Boghermore 2 cartrons ; and also lands belonginge to the dean of Ardage, viz. Moragan 2 cartrons, Lysemiske 1 cartron, and 1 cartron in Ardaghe.-Ther is within the said barronie 12 cartrons of lande chargeable to the rent grant to sir Nicholas Malby, and to the said rent belonginge to the mannor of Granarde, viz. Trilly 2 cartrons, Clonfynoghe 1 cartron, Lisdrynagh 1 cartron, Clonaghmore 1 cartron, Lyssacrossan 1 cartron, Åghadreassaghe 1 cartron, Carickostannell 2 cartrons, Aghantillhan 1 cartron, Aghanasyoge 1 cartron & Aghancoslen 1 cartron. The territorie of Farrireoghe contayneth these severall lands chargeable with both rents as aforesaid, viz. Killyn 4 cartrons, viz. Čordoragh 1 cartron, Cargin 1 cartron, Derryderragh 1 cartron & Caltraghe & Kleygare 1 cartron; Aghavanchure 2 cartrons, Clonetymolan 2 cartrons, Aghneveloge 1 cartron, Tawnaghbegge and Skarvan 1 cartron; Rathreoghe 4 cartrons, viz. Taghearde 1 cartron, Kennarde 2 cartrons & Lurgaun 1 cartron; & Corrypubbowllaghe 2 cartrons.-There is in the barronie of Longforde the severall territories of Clan-Hugh and Moytra.-The territorie of Clan-Hugh contayneth these severall parcells of lande chargcable with the rents as aforesaid, viz. Farmoyle 1 cartron, Leaght 1 cartron, Leggaghe 1 cartron, Dramarde 1 cartron, Corglas 1 cartron, Kilton 1 cartron, Clonevelly 2 cartrons, Nahanow 1 cartron, Eadene 1 cartron, Fasery 1 cartron, Glanmore 1 cartron, Groniskillan 1 cartron, Keltereaghe cartron, Doory cartron, Corgarrye 1 cartron, Geagie 1 cartron, Littercullan 1 cartron, Litterkeragh-ennane cartron, Littercannell & cartron, Killmyhan cartron, Derrykelan 1 quarter, Bracklaghe 1 quarter, Esker 1 quarter, Dirolle i cartron, Dulrucke 1 cartron, Cornyhinshine cartron, Derrinecrossye 1 quarter, Barraghbegge 1 quarter, Barraghmore cartron, Breanroskillye 1 quarter, Melckan 1 quarter, Greaghe 1 cartron, Minachill cartron, Garrachill 1 cartron, Gortowonnye cartron, Gurtinoulye cartron, Clonetomocher 1 cartron, Cattan 1 cartron, Sowrore 1 cartron, Carreneddan cartron, Dromnecahie 1 quarter, Derrylaghan 1 quarter, Greme 1 quarter, Gurtincusban quarter, Gurtindoochill quarter, Ehanbege cartron, Dromlishe 5 quarters, Clo

A. D. 1612.

nevacarte 5 quarters, Clonaghe 1 cartron, Coolenesee 1 cartron, Bawncully 1 cartron, Aghnemaddye 1 cartron, Ehanemore 1 cartron, Corlech cartron, Clanye 1 quarter, Mokenaghmore 1 quarter, Dromhoghlie cartron, Knockegarran quarter, Crivye cartron, Lismoddie cartron, Cornemoe cartron, Lysmore 1 cartron, Corrbegge 2 cartrons, Corrymore 2 cartrons, & Dromenebaye 1 quarter.-In the territorie of Claughagh are these free lands following, Rean 1 cartron, Aghaboye i cartron, Kilnecarra cartron, Gurtindoechill quarter of a cartron, Kiltycrevaghe cartron, Dromhoghly 1 quarter of a cartron, Knocknevan quarter, Mockanaghbegge quarter, Killitter 1 quarter, Bare quarter, Clonebegge quarter, Farragh 1 cartron & Ballygarrow 1 cartron.There is in the said countrie crowded certaine gleeb land, viz. Killoe 7 acres belonging to the church of Killoe, and one acre in Newton belonginge to the same.-The territorie of Moytra containeth these severall parcells, chargeable as aforesaid, viz. Aghnegore 4 cartrons, Kilmore 3 cartrons, Ballymacbryen 8 cartrons, Ballykennye 2 cartrons, Tully 2 cartrons, Lysnemireloan 1 cartron, Aghoreoghe 1 cartron, Lysecloghan 1 cartron, Mullaghe 1 cartron, Moylaghlogher 2 cartrons, Cartronkenye 2 cartrons, Lysmore 1 cartron, Monylaggan 1 cartron, Lysmealls 1 cartron, Monearde 1 cartron, Lewagh 1 cartron, Faghie 2 cartrons, Clonbally 1 cartron, Kahanagh 1 cartron, Cullaghe cartron, Dorrikarra 1 cartron, Dromure 1 cartron, Crinaghe 1 cartron, Gurtmornyne 1 cartron, Garranecheill 1 cartron, Lyetryme 2 cartrons, Doocheill & Corvilan 1 cartron, Lisbracke 14 cartron, Knockannegle 1 cartron, Lyseboye 1 cartron, Carrige 1 cartron, Briskeill 1 cartron, Clonepraghluske 1 cartron, Clonetehie 2 cartrons, Lysgerneall & Shanclone 1 cartron and quarter, Boherboye, Castletowne and Curraghboye 1 cartron, Lyslostie 3 quarters, Dronesihie 1 cartron and

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quarter, Clonegisse 3 cartrons, Corrye 2 cartrons, Cooletonaghe and Caltraghe 1 cartron, Kellyn 1 cartron, Aghamonnaghe 1 cartron, Kelogmacgrorye 1 cartron, Toneleforiske 1 cartron, & Ballinluge 1 cartron.-The said territorie contayneth theis free lands following, Ballagh-Iknowlan 1 cartron, Clone-Illan 1 cartron, Breanrosse 1 cartron, Moygh cartron, Dromnesihie cartron, Lyslostie 1 quarter, Ballincarran 16 cartrons, & Longford 3 cartrons.-Ther is in the said territorie certaine abbye lands, the abbye of Longforde 1 cartron thereunto belonging; also certaine corbor or termon lands, viz. Clonedarragh 4 cartrons; and certaine gleb lands, viz. in Clonegisse cartron belonginge to the churche of Clonegisse, and 4 acres in Longford belonging to the same church called Lysvicdeganye. The barrony of Moydow contayneth theis several territories followinge, Clanawly part of Moybrawne, parte of Clangillernow & parte of Clanconnor of Muntergalgan. The territory of Clanawlye contayneth certain parcells of land chargeable as aforesaid, viz. Clonefore 5 cartrons, Aghanekillye 1 cartron, Leynyneighteraghe 1 cartron, Leynynoghteraghe 2 cartrons, Bealnamore and Caltraghe 2 cartrons, Tullye 1 cartron, Cornalaghclone 1 cartron, Knockevagan 1 cartron, the Arde and Ballinknoicke 1 cartron, Bruckennye 1 cartron, Correlegan 1 cartron, Cloneannye 1 cartron, Carrowveanaghe cartron, Coorgine 1 cartron, Mullodromode 1 cartron, Caltraghmore 1 cartron, Gurtinboye and Aghantraghe 1 cartron, Correclonecallye 3 cartrons, Toonebeggan 1 cartron, Triligbege 1 cartron, Clonekyne and Quillagharde 1 cartron, Clonryne and Dooclone 1 cartron, Clonedawde 1 cartron, Tonefyne 1 cartron, Clonekyre 3 cartrons, Corredirvyne 1 cartron, Ardbeg and Aghnehowoe cartron, & Dromodoghter 1 cartron. -Ther are certaine free lands within the said barronie, viz. Bellaclare and Dromodeighter 2 cartrons, Dooclone and Cloneryne 1 cartron, & Clonemore 6 cartrons; certaine termon lande, viz. Cloneogherye 9 cartrons; and certain gleb lands, viz. Kilneshee 1 cartron belonging to the viccar of the churche of Killissye, Moydoo 1 cartron belonginge to the viccar of the church of Moydoo. There are certaine abbaye lands, viz. the abbaye of Derge contayneth 10 cartrons.-Ther is within the said parte of Clangillornan these severall lands, chargeable as aforesaid, viz. Correderrye 2 cartrons, Bellacloghan I cartron, Mullaghe 1 cartron, Criaghduffe cartron, Cartronboggan 1 cartron, Cartronebrackye 1 cartron, Bawne 1 cartron, Agheknappagh 1 cartron, Derrymore 1 cartron, Lissetotan 1 cartron, Cartronkille 1 cartron, Cartrongarue 1 cartron, Gurtinnegloo 1 cartron, Glaslone 1 cartron, Aghennye 2 cartrons, Cartronevallye 1 cartron, Cartronegeraghe 1 cartron, Nadeverre 1 cartron, Clonemore 1 cartron, Keiloge-Irell 1 cartron, Graffoge, Tonelostran & Tonegrisaghe 1 cartron, Trilige 1 cartron, & Lysduffe 1 quarter and quarter of a cartron.-The said territorie contayneth theis free lands, viz. Tooreallen 1 cartron, Aghedangin and Trilige 1 cartron, & Lysduffe and Knockan 1 cartron.-The parte of the territorie of Moybrawne contayneth these severall lands chargeable as aforesaied, viz. Cannagh 4 cartrons, Corbally 2 cartrons, Mornyn 6 cartrons, Corrohobberhennyhie 1 cartron, Lysekitt 1 cartron, Largin 1 cartron, Cartroncriskill 1 cartron, Ballintobber 2 cartrons, Carrigedmonde 2 cartrons, Lislea 1 cartron, Keele 1 cartron, Killindoodye 1 cartron, & Kynagh 1 cartron.—The parte of Clan

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reoghe 4 cartrons, Tullaghe 4 cartrons, Skyeaghan 4 cartrons, Tobbernarye 4 cartrons, Lyagan 4 cartrons, Ardanraghoghteragh 4 cartrons, Ardanragheighteraghe 4 cartrons, Tenecrosse 1 cartron, Loggnaddye 1 cartron, Clegekynegh 1 cartron, & Tenueclabbachan 1 cartron.The said territory contayneth some free lands, viz. Agharow and Lyssavarsa 8 cartrons; gleb land, viz. Aghanahaglis I cartron, belonging to the church of Agharow; and some free lande, viz. Tenebane 1 cartron.-17 cartrons, after 2 cartrons of small measure to a cartron, that is to say 35 small cartrons of Montergalgan belongeth to O'FARRALL ban, his parte of the countrie, and chardgeable to the payment of both rents as aforesaid.-17 cartrons, of like measure, in Montergalgan belongeth to O'FARRALL boye's parte of the countrie, chardgable as aforesaid.

Longford' 3 Oct' 1623.

(3) EDW' NUGENT seis' fuit, de feod', de sepal' vil', villat' & campis de Castlenebrack, Killynefaye, Camaraghe, Laghill, Colloge, Ilan[ ] & Marydarragh, ac etiam de medietat' vil' & ter' de Shanclane in co' Longford', contin' p estimačon' 70 acr' ter' arrabil' & pastur', pcell' plantacon' dict' co'; put p tras patent' Regis nunc gerent' dat' 2 jun' an' regni s 8, plen' apparet, reddend' inde annuatim dict' Regi hered' & successor's 61. 7s. 54d. ad fest sci Mich' & Pasch', p equal' porcon', tenend' ut de castr' de Dub' in libo & comun' soccag', & non in capite.-pd' Edw' obiit.-[ 1 Nugent est ejus fil' & her', & fuit etat' 22 annor' tempore mortis pris 3.-pmiss' val' p an' 57.


Tempore CAR. I. Regis.

Longford' 1 Aug' 1627. PATRIC' Mc.KEADAGH, tempore mortis s, seis' fuit de vil' & ter' de Ballenkroghan in co' Longford', contin' 2 mes' & 155 acr' arrabil' & pastur'.-Sic seis', obiit 20 aug' 1624.-Joh' Ferrall est ejus fil' & her', & fuit etat' 35 annor', tempore mortis pris s, & maritat'.-pmiss', unacũ vil' & ter' de Killinbore in co' pd', contin' 45 acr' arrabil' & pastur' & 20 acr' bosc' & mor', & tenent' de Re in libo & comun' soccag'.-GERROTT Mc.KEADAGH FERRALL, tempore mortis s, seis' fuit de vil' & ter' de Ballentempan, contin' 3 mes' & 300 acr' arrabil', pastur', bosc' & mor'.-Sic seis', obiit 15 mar' 1626.-Keadagh Ferrall est ejus fil' & her', & fuit etat' 30 annor', tempore mortis pris s, & maritat'.-pmiss' tenent' de Re in libo & comun' soccag'.-PATRIC' Mc.KEGAN de Ballenikegan, tempore mortis 5, seis' fuit de medietat' vil' & ter' de Ballymackegan contin' 80 acr' arrabil' & pastur', & 80 acı bosc' & mor'.-Sic seis', obiit 1 jun' 1622.-Dermott Mc. Kegan est ejus fil' & her', & fuit etat' 30 annor' tempore mortis pris 3, & maritat'.-pmiss' tenent' de Re, in libo & comun' soccag'.

connor contayneth these severall lands chargeable as aforesaid,
viz. Aghneskeagh 1 cartron, Aghenlassye 1 cartron, Aghenkearhen
1 cartron & Bealedromo 1 cartron.-The parte of Mounterealgan
contayneth theis lands followinge, chargeable as aforesaid, viz.
Ballibeg and Lanan 4 cartrons, Clonkyn 1 cartron, & Clonskott
2 cartrons.-The barony of Rathelyn consisteth of the severall
territories followinge, viz. the Callow and parcell of Clanconnor.
-The territorie of the Callow contayneth the severall parcells of
land followinge, chargeable as aforesaid, viz. Templepatricke 1
quarter, which maketh 4 cartrons of small measure, Knocke 1
quarter, Lysmakegan 1 quarter, Coolecroye 1 quarter, Cashell-
bege 1 quarter, Lysduffe 1 quarter, Corrowle 2 quarters, Lysmagert
1 quarter, Lyswilliam 1 quarter, Shanbally tegell 1 quarter, Čarowne-
cargeboy 1 quarter, Lyerie 2 quarters, Carrownelorye 1 quarter,
Carrowkille i quarter, Carowhobegan 1 quarter, Carowracline 1
quarter, Mollaghbracke 1 quarter, Carownetemple 1 quarter,
Carownecargie 1 quarter, Carownetorbin 1 quarter, Ballengurtine
1 quarter, Čarowshencargine 2 quarters, Dyregawnae 1 quarter,
Lysnecrosse 1 quarter, Cowletegall quarter, Carowruo 1 quarter,
Aghowloghon 1 quarter, Carowskeaghe 1 quarter, Carownedowne-
gan 1 quarter, Carowneballeboye 1 quarter, Carowbolgannagh 1
quarter, Carownegyragh 1 quarter, Moykillteballan 2 quarters,
Monemossenaghe 1 quarter, Drownecorre 4 quarters, Kiltebege 1
quarter, Formoyll 2 quarters, Lyssawlye 1 quarter, Cornadowe 2
quarters, Lysmoylle 1 quarter, Aghowaddan 1 quarter, Lysclaghe
1 quarter, Cabraghmore 1 quarter, Morneformoylle 1 quarter,
Lysnegan 1 quarter, Syhanblevoer 1 quarter, Forkill 1 quarter, Kil-
negartan 1 quarter, Carownefoill 1 quarter, and Cordarye 1 quarter.
Ther are certain free lands within the said territorie, viz. Clon-
boynaghe 1 quarter, Kilnecaraghe and Fourchill 1 cartron, Tangae
and Rathmore 1 quarter, Annagh quarter, Clonkyne 1 quarter,
Mogeelt quarter, Bellare 1 cartron, and Faslongarte quarter.-
Ther is within the said territorie certaine abbaye lands, viz. Ca-
ronullan 1 quarter, Carowdromenise 1 quarter, Dirrenegallaghe 1
quarter, Carowclarishe 1 quarter, Ballereoghe 1 quarter, Carow-
bege 1 quarter, Carowmore 1 quarter, Carownclonaghe 1 quarter,
Carowntedye 1 quarter, Cashell 1 quarter, Srowher 1 cartron, &
Ballynehense 2 quarters, the 2 quarters belongeth to Incheloghlen,
and is in the possession of Sir Patrick Barnewall, and certaine glebe
lands, viz. Rathclyne 1 cartron, belonginge to the viccar of the
church of Rathclyn.-The parcell of the territorie of Clanconor
contayneth theis severall lands, chargeable as aforesaid, viz. Moy-
lackan 6 cartrons, Rossarte 2 cartrons, Glanmore 4 cartrons,
Kynaghe 1 cartron, Lachoill 2 cartrons, Crighe 1 cartron, Car-
tronvarre 1 cartron, Monysillaghe 1 cartron, Cartonavreakye 1
cartron, Corrygynnae 1 cartron, Kiltaferye 3 cartrons, Cornakarty
1 cartron, Cloubrenye 1 cartron, Cartanadromac-ballyvahane, 4
cartrons, Ballybrannagan 14 cartron, Ballymulvye 1 cartron,
Clonkyne 1 cartron, & Clonarde 1 cartron. Their is, in said par-
cell of the said territorie, free land & certain church land, viz. Tyer-
licken 2 cartrons, Killyvihan 1 cartron, Cartonmartege 1 cartron,
Clog-Thomasbrowne 1 cartron, Kildachamoge 1 cartron, &
church lande belonginge to the said Kildachamoge.-The barony
of Shroulle contayneth theis severall territories, viz. parte of
Moybrawne, parte of Clanconnor, & parte of Mountergalgan.-
The said parte of the territorie of Moybrawne contayneth these
severall lands chargeable as aforesaid, viz. Barry 8 cartrons,
Doorye 2 cartrons, Correbane 2 cartrons, Listibbott 2 cartrons,
Agharenagh 1 cartron, Tenemeranaghe 1 cartron, Corropobalagh-
eightraghe cartron, Corropobalaghoghteraghe 1 cartron,
Kellynegarocan 3 cartrons, Cartronfyne 1 cartron, Tenelike 3
cartrons, Massereogh 1 cartron, Killinboure 4 cartrons, Cloghtan-
beddye al' Belakipe I cartron, Lysmacmorrogh 1 cartron, Rath
and Ballyclinshenes 1 cartron, Clonyn 1 cartron, Cornemuck-
laghe 1 cartron, Pallismore 2 cartrons, both the Ballyvicknemase
2 cartrons, Kildordan 1 cartron, Bartinebege 1 cartron, & Indro-
minge 2 cartrons.-There is a parcel of lande, within the said
parte of the said territorie, which is chargeable to the payments
of the said rent granted to Maulbye, and not to the rent of
Granarde, viz. Dromtaghfennye 4 cartrons.-The said territorie
contayneth theis free lands, viz. Pallislibege 1 cartron, Rath and
Ballyclinsheannes 1 cartron, Cloghembeddye 1 cartron, & Kil-
culline cartron.-The said territorie contayneth certaine abbaye
lands, viz. the abbay of Shrowle 20 cartrons.-The parcell of
Clancranagh contayneth these several lands, viz. Newcastle 1
cartron, Crioghduffe 1 cartron, Ballycore and Largae 2 cartrons,
Forguy 4 cartrons, Clonecalla 2 cartrons, Cryvaghmore 2 car-
trons, Keele 4 cartrons, Crivaghbege 3 cartrons, Rathbege 1 car-
tron, & Derry 2 cartrons.-The parcell of Mountergalgan con-
tayneth theis severall lands, chargeable to the payment of both
rents as aforesaid, viz. Caltraghmanus 1 cartron, Gurtinglase 1
cartron, Tyrenane 1 cartron, Tenelaghe 2 cartrons, Cartronmac-
rorye 1 cartron, Lyscormicke 1 cartron, Laggankippinaghe 1 car-
tron, Aghnehornye 1 cartron, Laghennye 1 cartron, Ballymacshan
2 cartrons, Skriboge 4 cartrons, Carrigboye 2 cartrons, Carne 4
cartrons, Ardvarne 2 cartrons, Agherenaghe 4 cartrons, Tenny-


Ib' 24 Sept' 1629.

EDM' DILLON, tempore mortis š, seis' fuit de vil' & ter' de Ardochill, Cartronkeele, Gurtinclarin, Garryncury & Balleboy, & de silv' vocat' Derrelogh, Bannowe & le Ider in co' Longford', contin' 10 mes', 483 acr' arrabil' & 275 acr' bogg.-Sic seis', obiit 13 mar 1628.-Ric' Dillon est ejus fil' & her', & fuit etat' 30 annor' tempore mortis pris s, & maritat'.-pmiss' tenent' de Re, in libo & cōmun' soccag',


Ib' eod' die.

JOH' Mc.TIRLAGH FARRALL seis' fuit de vil' & ter' de Aghowrdkill in co' Longford', contin' 2 mes' & 250 acr'.-Sic seis', dimisit 60 acr' Jac' Ware de civit' Dub' mil', p term' 31 annor', in morgag'.-Idē Joh' obiit ult' april' 1628.-Bryan' Farrall est ejus fil' & her', & fuit etat' 31 annor' tempore mortis pris s, & maritat'.-pmiss' tenent' de Re, in libo & comun' soccag'.

[blocks in formation]

FRANCISC EDGEWORTH, tempore mortis s, seis' fuit de us' in taliat' sibi & hered' mascul' de corpore suo, de vil' & ter' de Shanmullagh, le Hardmony, Coolemeregan, Killeneawse, Garrenegree, Crannellaghmore, Crannellaghbegg, Lyssane, Rinvenuit, Breagh, & Coolreeche in co' Longford', contin' 10 mes', & 1200 acr.'-Sic seis', obiit circa 3 an' elaps'.-Joh' Edgworth est ejus fil' & her', & fuit etat' 15 annor' tempore mortis pris s, & non maritat', -Pmiss' tenent de Re, in libo & comun' soccag'.


Ib' 15 Aug' 1631. ANLON MC.EGAN seis' fuit de 1 cartron' ter' in BallymacEgan.-Sic seis', circa 3 an' elaps', vendidit @miss' Oliver' FitzGerrald & hered's; virtute cujus, pd' Oliver' in pmiss' intravit.-d' Anlon obiit 20 maii 1629-Connor Mc.Egan est ejus fil' & her', & fuit plen' etat', tempore mortis pris s, & maritat'.-Pmiss' tenent de Re, in libo & comun' soccag'.-JAC' Mc.HUBBART FER

RALL, tempore mortis sue, seis' fuit de vil' & ter' de Gurtinornyn 1 cartron' ter'.-obiit 30 mar' 1628.-Hubert' Ferrall est ejus fil' & her', & fuit etat' 10 annor', tempore mortis pris s, & non maritat'.-pmiss' tenent' de Re in libo & comun' soccag'.-GERROT MC.HUBBERT FERRALL nup de Ballaghfeeghan, tempore mortis sue, seis' fuit de vil' & ter' de Ballagheveghan 2 cartron'.-obiit 1 mai 1631.-Jac' Mc.Gerrott Ferrall est ejus fil' & her', & fuit plen' etat' tempore mortis pris s, & maritat'.Pmiss' tenent de Re, in libo & comun' soccag'.


Ib' 16 Jan' 1631.

JOH' CUSACK de Cushingston in co' Mid', nup defunct', & Rob' Lalor de Moynowthe in co' Kildar', etiam defunct', seis' fuer', ut de feod', ad us' Ric' comit' Westmid', de nup dissolut' monaster' de Lara in co' Longford', & de 20 mes', 1 molendin' aquatic' & 19 cartron' ter' in vil' & campis de Dyraghe, Tonaghmore, Tonaghbegge, Rynaghan, Cooldony, Clouincrawe, Rincwill, Bolyboy, Clownymore, Kilbryde & Mullaghclare in co' pd', qu' õia sunt pcell' dict' nup monaster'.-Sic seis', licencia nup Regis non obtent', p fact' dat' 7 dec' an' regni dict' nup Regis 16, concesser Pmiss', inter al', pfat' comit' Westmid', p nomen Ric' Nugent mil' baron' de Delvin, & hered' s.-pmiss' tenent' de Re in capite, p švic' mil'.


St. Johnston 24 Sept' 1632.

ARTHUR' FORBES seis' fuit de vil' & ter' de Clongisse, Ballymac-Bryan, Quevesin, Lisse, Correnallin, Towreboy, Lyssnegarde, Carr & Dromnishye in co' Longford', contin' 1 dom' lapid', 10 mes', 455 acr' arrabil' & pastur', & 628 acr' bosc' & mor'; de 65 acr' arrabil' & 40 acr' bosc' in Corvillan & Lissbrack in co' pd', 1 mercat' tenend' quolibet die jovis septimanat' apud Clongisse, & 1 fer' tenend' ibm quolibet die šci Barth' añuatim, & p 1 die px' sequent'; vil' & ter" de Sorne & Derrylaghan 4 mes', 220 acr' arrabil' & pastur' & 417 acr' bosc' & mor', vil' de Dromely, Corgarrowe & Ewkeyneoughteraghe contin' 6 mes', 156 acr' arrabil' & pastur' & 140 acr' bosc' & mor'; 13 acr' ter' arrabil' in Ewkeyneighteragh, & 31 acr' arrabil' & 17 acr' bosc' in Breaghwye in co' pd'.-Sic seis', obiit 14 april' 1632.-Arthur' Forbes junior, baronet', est ejus fil' & her', & fuit etat' 7 annor' tempore mortis pris s, & non maritat'.-Pmiss' tenent' de Re, in libo & comun' soccag'. Ib' eod' die.


JAC YOUNGE seis' fuit de maner', castr', vil' & ter' de Barne al' Castlebarne, Lissenure, Tomdoghan, Lisskahellmore, Lissemeere, Lisseegreesee, [ ] Killsallagh, Slemnuck,

pcell' ter' vocat' Aghadonaghoe, & 13 acr' arrabil', bosc' & pastur' in Ballenrye in co' Longford', qu' õia sunt pcell' maner' pd', & contin' 20 mes', 1 molendin' aquatic', 1000 acr' arrabil', bosc' & pastur', & 488 acr' mor'.-Sic, seis', idē Jac', p fact' suu dať' 21 jul' 1628, concessit pmiss' Tho' Mortuomer, habend' p term' 7 annor', put p dict' fact', cujusquidē tenor sequit in orig', appet; virtute cujus, pd' Tho' fuit de @miss' possessionat'.-pfat' Jac' Younge obiit ult' feb' 1630.-Car' Younge est ejus fil' & her', & fuit etat' 16 annor' tempore mortis pris s, & non maritat'.-Pmiss' tenent' de Re in capite, p švic' mil'.


Ib' 16 Mar' 1632.

JAC nup REX seis' fuit, in jure corone s, de vil' & ter' de lez duabg Ballynegalls, Knockslawne, Lissgadery, Aghaboy, Kankally al' Kinkilly, Lissneneant, Higginston, Tenefebble, Ballymorris, Ramoe, Aghabrack, Gally, Ballynehowne, Ballybryne, Ballymacgillechriste, lez duabg Leytrims, Tromroe, Shrareaghe, Killosseneightra, Granardkilly, & medietat' vil' & ter' de Molingee & Cartronegeeragh, qu' õia scituat' sunt in baron' de Granard in co' Longford', & contin' 20 mes', 1980 acr' arrabil' & pastur', & 502 acr' bosc' & mor'; de castr', vil' & ter' de Granard, Shraghan al' Cartroncasslan, Racronan & Tymore in baron' fd', qu' contin' 10 mes' & 3 cartron' ter'; de 1 castr', 10 mes' & 6 cartron' ter' in Longford' in baron' de Longford', & de vil' & ter' de Farran-Iwogan al' Cartrondowgan, Cartrongarrowe, Mornin, Clogher, Clonturck, Cartronegaray, Cartronegeeragh, Cloneny & Clonelerhin, qu' õia jacent' in baron' de Ardagh in co' pd'; &, unacu pmiss' in Longford' contin' 919 acr' arrabil' & pastur', & 796 acr❜ bosc' & mor, ultra pmiss' in Longford' pd'.-Sic seis', pd' Rex, p tras s patent' dict' 4 mar' an' regni sui 17, concessit @miss', cu ptin', unacu 1 libo mercat' tenend' apud vil' de Longford' quolibet' die sab' singul' septiman' imppet', ac 2 fer' ibm añuatim tenend', un' sup die jovis px' post fest' pentecost' & sup crastin' ejusdē diei, & alter' fer' sup 12 oct' in quolibet an' imppet', & sup crastin' ejusdē; ac etiã unacũ 1 al' libo mercat' tenend' apud Granard quolibet die lune singul' septiman' imppet', ac 2 al' fer' tenend' añuatim imppet' viz. 1 sup 23 april' & crastin' ejusdē diei, & al' in & sup fest' sci Math' apostol' & crastin' ejusde diei añuatim imppet', Francisc baron' de Longford' & Margaret' ux' ejus; virtute quaruquidē trar', pd' baro de Longford' & ux' ejus pd' fuer' de pmiss' seis'.-pd' baro de Longford', tempore mortis sue, seis' fuit de castr', vil' &

ter' de Clonswote al' Castleton, Annagh, Corbegg, Malle, Boherboy, Killmackannan, Lisslostye & Legan in baron' de Longford', Robinston & Bealamore, & medietat' Ballyncrosse & Mallinegee, in baron' de Granard, qu' õia contin' 10 mes', 611 acr' arrabil' & pastur' & 170 acr' bosc' & mor' in co' pd', & de vil' & ter' de Coremunagh, Lissgranell, Senestowne, Inchenphoile & Knockmacrory, ac 1 piscar' in baron' pd', Ballymacrollow cu molendin' aquatic' eide ptin', Ballinecrosse & Cartrongeeragh, in baron' de Granard, qu'õia contin' 10 mes', 370 acr' arrabil' & pastur' & 210 acr' bosc' & mor', 1 cartron' ter' eu molendin' aquatic' in vil' de Longford', vocat' le Abby cartron, 163 acr' arrabil' & pastur' & 15 acr' bosc' & mor' in Killinriker, Ballacrin, Innaghmore, & Bundenagh in baron' de Longford', & de & in cartron' vocat' Carkay in baron' de Granard, rector' de Magherygranard & rector de Strade in co' pd', cũ õibz decim', medietat' rector' de Tully, quonda in possession' cujusda Donnogh O'Hara, & quibusda decim' quonda in possession' Murtagh al' Murche Ferrall in co' pd'.-FAGHNY Mc.ROSSE FERRALL de le Moate in co' pd' seis' fuit de vil' & ter' de Fieragh-saddagh, Clewragh, Cooleny, Knockekagh al' Knockekack, Glack, Cowlenehinch, Tomerefadda al' Umerefadda, Lissnesheely al' Lissnesheelagh, Shareagh, Creeduffe, Monekemaine, Lissclitt, Lissnemuck, lez 2 Gortnecashsagh, & 69 acr' arrabil' & pastur' in Corgarrowe & Cahanagh in co' pd', qu' õia contin' 20 mes', 1 molendin' aquatic', 1146 acr arrabil' & pastur' & 427 acr' bosc' & mor'.-Sic seis', idē Faghny, licentia Regis prius non obtent', p fact' suu dat' 30 nov' 1630, concessit @miss' Ambros' Angier A. M. & Rad' Leventhorpe, & hered' s, imppet', ad us' pfat' nup baron' de Longford', durant' vita sua natural' &c. cujusquidē fact' tenor sequit' in orig.

(10) Ib' eod' die. GERRALD' Mc.ROWRY FERRALL seis' fuit de vil' & ter de Barry, Bonvalla al' Cartrondrom, Aghafin, Barnenegawle al Lissneronge, Toym, Corbane, Aghenemenragh, Agharran & pcell' ter' vocat' Killnecarran, qu' õia contin' 4 mes', 1 molendin' aquatic', 1 piscar', 463 acr' arrabil' & pastur' & 232 acr' bosc' & mor'.-Sic seis', p fact' suu dat' 13 oct' 1632, concessit Pmiss' Gerrald' Browne de Twome, & hered' s; virtute cujus, pd' Gerrald fuit de @miss' seis'.-Sic seis', pd' Gerrald', p fact' suu dat' 15 oct' 1632, concessit @miss' Barth' Nangle de Longford' mercator' & Wil' Nangle de Loghan in co' Longford' mercator', & hered' s, ad us in intencon' dict' fact' specificat', cujusquide tenor sequit' in orig'; virtute cujus, pd' Barth' & Wil' fuer' de pmiss' seis'.-pd' Gerrald' Ferrall obiit 6 nov' 1682.-Roger' al' Rory Ferrall est ejus fil' & her', & fuit etat' 4 annor' tempore mortis pris s, & non maritat'.-pmiss' pd', unacu vil' & ter' de Cleaduffe al' Cartronclichenny, Tenecrosse, Teneclabbaghane & Lognedihie contin' 62 acr' arrabil' & pastur', & 42 acr' bosc' & mor' pcell' ter' Gerrald Ferrall, (& p ipsu nup alienat' Tho' Carewe mil' & al',) tempore mortis dict' Gerrald', tenebant & modo tenent de Re, in libo & comun' soccag'.

Longford' 13 Sept' 1634.

(11) ROB' Mc.LISHAGH FERRALL, tempore mortis sue, seis' fuit de maner', castr', vil' & ter' de Bawne, Cartronvally, Breckagh, Agheneknappagh, Curredevan, Townecossan, Townelostran, Townetaskan, Townedrassoge, Trilligtemple, Gurtinglawe al Gurtinglowne, Glossclone, Trilligmore al' Trilligpatrick, Clonacree, Tomelogan, Graffock & Lisscrotton, in baron' de Moydowe & co' Longford', qu' õia sunt pcell' maner' de Bawne pd', & contin' I castr', 10 mes' & 890 acr' ter' arrabil' & pastur', de Lissardowla, Tworefynn, Agharickard, Aghaneevan, Fyhallmon, Glancosswye, Cartroncappall, Ballymacwilliameightragh & Coolereagh al' Ballereagh in baron' de Ardagh in co' pd', qu' õia sunt pcell' pd' maner', & contin' 10 mes', & 531 acr' arrabil' & pastur', pcell' ter' vocat' Cloncreme in Moyntaghcallowe in co' pd', contin' 24 acr' bosc' & subbosc', etiam pcell' dict' maner'; Skeaghan, Tynebane, Lissecoile & Lisscogill in co' pd', contin' 2 mes', & 99 acr', Ballymacshane al' Kilimacshane, Luckin & Aghnehornye in co' pd', contin' 2 mes' & 99 acr' arrabil' & pastur', Cartronmacrowrye & Laggan contin' 65 acr' arrabil' & pastur'; de 10 acr' arrabil' & 15 acr' bosc' & subbose' in ambabg lez Derryshanvoges al' Derryshanmucks; 200 acr' arrabil' & pastur' in Glanmore & Corballye, & de Leytrim in co' @d', contin' 95 acr' arrabil' & pastur'. -Sic seis', pfat' Rob' obiit 10 maii 1634.-Ric' Ferrall est ejus fil' & her', & fuit etat' 22 annor' tempore mortis pris s, & maritat'. -pd' maner' de Bawne tenet' de Re in capite, p švic' mil'.

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