STANFOR A BILL MAKING APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE DEPARTMEN OF AGRICULTURE AND FOR THE FARM CREDIT ADMINISTRATION FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1939, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES APPROPRIATION BILL FOR 1939 HEARINGS BEFORE THE SUBCOMMITTEE OF THE UNITED STATES SENATE SEVENTY-FIFTH CONGRESS THIRD SESSION ON H. R. 10238 A BILL MAKING APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE DEPARTMENT 4 17 Printed for the use of the Committee on Appropriations UNITED STATES WASHINGTON: 1938 AGRICULTURAL DEPARTMENT APPROPRIATION BILL, 193 FRIDAY, APRIL 29, 1938 UNITED STATES SENATE, SUBCOMMITTEE OF THE COMMITTEE ON APPROPRIATIONS, Washington, D. C. The subcommittee met, pursuant to call, at 10:30 a. m., in th committee room, Capitol, Hon. Richard B. Russell, Jr., presiding Present: Senators Russell (chairman), Hayden, Copeland, Bank head, O'Mahoney, Truman, Duffy, Nye, Townsend, and McNary. Also present: Senator McCarran. The subcommittee thereupon proceeded to the consideration of th bill (H. R. 10258) making appropriations for the Department c Agriculture and for the Farm Credit Administration for the fisca year ending June 30, 1939, and for other purposes. Senator RUSSELL. We have here a rather detailed statement fron the Secretary of Agriculture, explaining the items which have bee approved by the Budget but which do not appear in the House bil I think it would be well to have incorporated in the record th letter of the Secretary and the explanation of these items. (The letter and statement are as follows:) DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, Washington, April 27, 1938. Hon. RICHARD B. RUSSELL, JR., United States Senate. DEAR SENATOR RUSSELL: In response to your letter of April 13, I am submittin herewith for the information and consideration of your committee, a statemen of the items which were included in the Budget for 1939 as submitted to Congres but which were not allowed in the Department of Agriculture appropriation bi as passed by the House. These are listed by bureaus, with an explanatory stat ment covering each item. We would appreciate a hearing before your committe on these items, or if time does not permit this, at least on certain of them whic are of such scope that the explanatory data may not be sufficient for the info mation of the committee. Appreciating your cooperation, I am Sincerely, H. A. WALLACE, Secretary. 1 |