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Very godly and profitable:
Preached at South-fboo-
bery in Effex.

The fixth Impression, corrected
and inlarged by the

10H NIS. 10.11.

Then faid Pilate unto him, fpeakeft thou

not unto mee? knowest thou not that I
baue power to crucifie thee, and haue
power to lofe thee.

Icfus anfivered, thou couldeft baue no po-
wer at all againft me, except it were gi-
uen thee from aboue.

Imprinted at London for Ioha
Wright. 1616.



A Sermon Containing

A Platforme made for the proofe of Gods Pro

uidence: that is, for the exa mining of the trueth of this DoEtrine; whether God by his Proui dence rule all things generally, and euery creature and aЯtion particularly.

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The Lot is caft into the lap, but the whole difpofition thereof is of the Lord, Pres verbs 16.33.

were to be wish, that all Chai

dib vnderstand th which with mouth

they confelle, when

shey rehearse the Articles of their


faith, gathered out of the Apottles Dodrine.

The confeflion is briefe,and euery wozd in it very fignificant, and well vnderfov, would rote all herefies out of our mindes.

The Principles of Religion are therein contained, and if he be but a weake philofopher, that is ignozant in the principles of Philofophie,and if it be a thame for all Artificers to be ignozat in the grounds of those Arts they profeffe,it is a greater thame for bs Chriftians to make thew of Chzifianitie, yet to be ignozant in the rudiments of our Keligion.

I would to God that eueris one, that hath the name of a Chriftian Dio thozowly bnderstand, and were ful ly instructed in them, then needed I not labour fo much, for the profe of this Doarine.

peuery one of us, when we do Ale God to be Almighty, do ac wledge that he by his pronidence Aleth euery thing: and that we may know what we say, I purpose chiefs ly to handle these two points.

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