Manual of Botany for the Northern States, Comprising Generic Descriptions of All Phenogamous and Cryptogamous Plants to the North of Virginia Hitherto Described. ... Each Genus Illustrated by Short Descriptions of Its Most Common Species. By the Members of the Botanical Class in William's College (Mass.). From a Manuscript System by the Author of Richard's Botanical Dictionary [i.e. A. Eaton].1817 |
Common terms and phrases
1-flowered 1-leafed 1-seeded 2-lipped 3-lobed acuminate anthers aril awned awnless axillary base bell-form beneath berry bracts branched caducous Calyx 2-valved Calyx 5-cleft Calyx 5-leaved Calyx 5-parted Calyx 5-toothed Calyx imbricate Calyx inferior capsule 1-celled ciliate cleft coloured compressed corol 2-valved corol 5-petalled corol ringent corymbed crenate culm cylindric disk divisions doubly-pinnate downy drupe egret entire filaments flat florets frond fruit Fungus funnel-form germ glabrous globose globular glume hairy involucre keel lance-ovate leafets leafy leaves clasping leaves cordate leaves lance leaves lanceolate leaves ovate leaves pinnate leaves ternate legume lichen lobed many-flowered many-seeded margin nate nectary oblong obovate obtuse ORDER oval panicle peduncles peristome petals petioles pinnate pinnatifid Pistillate flowers Pistillate flowers-calyx racemes receptacle naked reflexed roundish scales scape seeds serrate sessile silicle silique simple smooth spikelets spikes spreading stamens Staminate flowers-ament Staminate flowers-calyx stem-leaves stigma striate styles sule teeth terminal ternate toothed tubular umbels upper lip valves whorled