An Introduction to the Science of Botany ... to which are Added Several New Tables and Notes, and a Life of the Author [by R. J. Thornton]. By ... J. Lee ... Fourth Edition ... Enlarged by J. Lee [the Younger].1810 |
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Common terms and phrases
Angiosperma antherĉ ANTIRRHINUM Bastard bear bisexual flowers bisexual Blackw Boerh Buxb calyx CAULIS Chap class consists Class viii Class xix Class xxi compound flowers comprehending such plants corolla cotyledons Cryptogamia Decandria Diadelphia Diandria Didynamia Digynia Dill Diœcia disk distinct Dodecandria EDITOR Elth female filaments florets FLOS FOLIA folioles FOLIUM foot-stalk Fragmenta Methodi Naturalis fructification fruit genera genus germen Grass Gynandria gynia Hall Hexandria Icosandria leaf leaves Lily Linn LINNĈAN LINNEAN GENERA Ludw male flowers furnished Mill Monadelphia Monandria Monœcia Monogyn Monogynia NAMES ENGLISH NAMES Naturalis of Linnĉus nectarium nogynia Octandria order contains Order ii order of plants Order vii peduncles PEDUNCULUS Pentagynia Pentandria perianthium pericarpium petals pistillum plants as bear Plum Polyandria Polyg Polygamia Polygynia RANUNCULUS receptacle root Schĉff seeds Sexual System siliqua Spec species stalk stamina stem styles Syngenesia Syst Tetradynamia Tetragynia Tetrandria Thistle Tourn Tree Triandria Trigynia umbel Vaill Vetch Weinm xxii