The English Botanist's Pocket Companion: Containing the Essential Generic Characters of Every British Plant, Arranged Agreeably to the Linnæan System; Together with a Short and Easy Introduction to the Study of Botany, EtcJ. Hatchard, 1809 - 7 pages |
Common terms and phrases
Agrimonia Amentum anthers Antrs base bell-shaped bellying Berry bulging calyx Caps capsule celled chaffy claws cleft cloven coloured compressed Conium contains corolla cylindrical DECANDRIA deciduous Diandria Digynia dipsacus DODECANDRIA Drupa filaments five divisions five petals five-cleft five-leaved florets Flowers incomplete footstalk four petals four-cleft four-leaved fructification funnel-shaped gaping germen globular grasses hairlike heart-shaped Hexagynia HEXANDRIA Holosteum husk inclosed Invol involucrum leaf leafits Legm many-seeded membranaceous Monogynia mouth naked nearly Nect notched number of stamens oblong Octandria one-celled opening order is divided Pentagynia Pentandria Perfect Flowers petal inferior Pileus pistils plants belonging Pointal Polyandria Polygamia Polygonum Polygynia Pouch Recept receptacle resembling roundish salver-shaped scales Sect sections seed-vessel Seeds shaped six petals species spike stamens Stams Stigma strap-shaped Style substance superior Tetragynia three petals three-celled three-cleft three-leaved tiled Triandria Trigynia tube tubular two-celled two-leaved two-valved umbel Umbelliferous upper lip upright valves wheel-shaped