Peasant and Nation: The Making of Postcolonial Mexico and PeruPeasant and Nation offers a major new statement on the making of national politics. Comparing the popular political cultures and discourses of postcolonial Mexico and Peru, Florencia Mallon provides a groundbreaking analysis of their effect on the evolution of these nation states. As political history from a variety of subaltern perspectives, the book takes seriously the history of peasant thought and action and the complexity of community politics. It reveals the hierarchy and the heroism, the solidarity and the surveillance, the exploitation and the reciprocity, that coexist in popular political struggle. With this book Mallon not only forges a new path for Latin American history but challenges the very concept of nationalism. Placing it squarely within the struggles for power between colonized and colonizing peoples, she argues that nationalism must be seen not as an integrated ideology that puts the interest of the nation above all other loyalties, but as a project for collective identity over which many political groups and coalitions have struggled. Ambitious and bold, Peasant and Nation both draws on monumental archival research in two countries and enters into spirited dialogue with the literatures of post-colonial studies, gender studies, and peasant studies. Peasant and Nation offers a major new statement on the making of national politics. Comparing the popular political cultures and discourses of postcolonial Mexico and Peru, Florencia Mallon provides a groundbreaking analysis of their effect on the |
Other editions - View all
Peasant and Nation: The Making of Postcolonial Mexico and Peru Florencia E. Mallon Limited preview - 1995 |
Peasant and Nation: The Making of Postcolonial Mexico and Peru Florencia E. Mallon Limited preview - 2023 |
Peasant and Nation: The Making of Postcolonial Mexico and Peru Florencia E. Mallon Limited preview - 1995 |
Common terms and phrases
Acta AGNM AHDN AHMTO AHMZ Alatriste alcalde alliance Anenecuilco Benito Juárez BN-AJ cabecera Cáceres Cacerista Caja s/n Cajamarca Carta Chilean coalition Comandante Militar Comas communal conflict Conservative Cuautla Cuernavaca Cuetzalan Cutervo Díaz discourses district distrito Estado ethnic García Gobernación Gobierno Guerra y Marina guerrillas hacendados hacienda hegemonic Huancayo Huauchinango imperial Indian indigenous Jaén Jauja jefe político Jonotla José María Juan Francisco Lucas July Junín land landowners Leyva Liberal Lima Mallon Mantaro Manuel Méndez mestizo Mexican Mexico City military Ministerio Ministro de Guerra montoneras Morelos municipal Nahua national guard Nicolás Nicolás de Piérola officials Oficio del Prefecto Oficio del Subprefecto peasants Peru Peruvian Piérola political culture político de Tetela popular Porfirio Díaz Prefecto del Departamento Puebla Rafael rebellion regional repression Revolution Sept Sierra de Puebla soldiers struggles Tepoztlán Tetela de Ocampo Teziutlán tion Tuzamapan vecinos Veracruz villages Xochiapulco Zacapoaxtla Zacatlán
Popular passages
Page ix - ... the representatives, who constantly appeal to public opinion, give public opinion the right to speak its real mind in petitions. The parliamentary regime leaves everything to the decision of majorities; how shall the great majorities outside parliament not want to decide? When you play the fiddle at the top of the state, what else is to be expected but that those down below dance? Thus, by now stigmatizing as "socialistic" what it had previously extolled as "liberal...
Page xxi - Acknowledgments This book has been a long time in the making, and I have accumulated many more obligations than it is possible to acknowledge fully here.