
Front Cover
Paper Tiger, 1988 - Art - 143 pages
Chiaroscuro--the sharp and mysterious contrast of light and dark, of brightness and shadow--describes not only the visual aspect of these remarkable paintings, but artist Tim White's perspective on the world. For him, each new idea contains the potential for good or evil, for salvation or destruction. Travel with White to the far ends of the imagination on the wings of more than 100 varied works, the majority never before published in volume form. Using inventive photographic techniques to enhance his images, and experimenting with the infinite possibilities of color, he produces striking, sometimes haunting results. Among the many very special paintings included here are an alternative cover for William Gibson's classic cyberpunk novel, Neuromancer (all shimmery purple, black, and gold) the disturbing cover for John Sladek's Roderick at Random, which replaces Darwin's famous depiction of apes evolving into man with a progression of robots the original roughs for the covers of Isaac Asimov's Foundation trilogy and the Magritte-like Alien Accounts.

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