Early Greek Political Thought from Homer to the SophistsMichael Gagarin, Paul Woodruff This edition of early Greek writings on social and political issues includes works by more than thirty authors, including the sophists, poets, tragedians, historians, medical writers and presocratic philosophers. Besides political theory, ancient political thought includes early sociology, anthropology, ethics and rhetoric, and the wide range of issues discussed includes the origin of human society, the origin of law, the nature of justice, the forms of good government, and the distribution of power among genders and social classes. |
Introduction | ix |
Principal dates | xxxii |
Table of equivalents | l |
Early poetry | 1 |
Hymn to Hephaestus | 35 |
History and folklore Herodotus | 77 |
Thucydides | 86 |
The Old Oligarch | 133 |
Gorgias | 190 |
Prodicus | 210 |
Hippias | 215 |
Antiphon | 218 |
Thrasymachus | 254 |
Evenus | 257 |
Critias | 259 |
Lycophron | 275 |
Other editions - View all
Early Greek Political Thought from Homer to the Sophists Michael Gagarin,Paul Woodruff No preview available - 1995 |
Early Greek Political Thought from Homer to the Sophists Michael Gagarin,Paul Woodruff No preview available - 1995 |
Common terms and phrases
accusation acquit action Aeschylus affairs Alcidamas allies Antiphon aretē argument Athenian Athens better blame bring citizens convict Corcyra crime Critias danger death debate deeds defend Deioces democracy democratic Diels-Kranz dikē Dissoi Logoi earth empire enemies Euripides everything evil father fear fifth century fight force fortune fragments friends Gagarin give gods Gorgias Greece Greek harm Hephaestus Heracles Herodotus Hesiod Homer honor hubris human injustice javelin justice killed killer king lives logoi logos Melians mind misfortune mortals Mytileneans nature never nomos Odysseus oligarchs Palamedes paperback passages Peisistratus Pericles Persian persuaded Plato poets Political Writings edited praise Prodicus Prometheus proper Protagoras punishment reason rhetoric rule shameful share slaves Socrates Solon someone sophists Spartans speak speaker speech suffer teach things thought Thucydides translated truth tyrant unjust whereas wish Woodruff words wrong Xenophanes Zeus