Armani B's Reviews > Life of Pi

Life of Pi by Yann Martel
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In the fantasy adventure book by Yann Martel the protagonist is Pi Patel. Pi Patel was very religious as a young kid. He chose to practice three religions at the same time. The three religions were Hinduism, Christianity, and Islam. Pi believed that one of the only reasons he survived his very hard times was because of his practices. His story started when his parents decided to leave India for Canada due to a political strife. His father owned a zoo and he brought some of his animals with him on the ship to Canada. The ship sank and Pi was the only human survivor, but a zebra, a hyena, an orangutan, and a tiger. The hyena killed all the animals except Richard Parker(tiger) because he killed the hyena first. Pi survived 227 days on that boat and made it to an island extremely dehydrated and almost dead, but you will have to read the book to find out if he lives. The theme of the story is that belief in something can be very powerful. Pi would not have lived to tell his story without the belief in all the religions he practiced.
I would give this book a 4 out of 5 stars. I would definitely recommend this novel to a friend. This book could inspire people because of Pi's story. In the book a quote says “It is true that those we meet can change us, sometimes so profoundly that we are not the same afterwards, even unto our names.” This quote describes Pi because there was many people or things in his life that changed him. I believe that quote is true and I know that if more people could see this quote it would change them.

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August 16, 2016 – Shelved

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