Front cover image for Reinforcement learning : an introduction

Reinforcement learning : an introduction

Richard Sutton and Andrew Barto provide a clear and simple account of the key ideas and algorithms of reinforcement learning. Their discussion ranges from the history of the field's intellectual foundations to the most recent developments and applications. Reinforcement learning, one of the most active research areas in artificial intelligence, is a computational approach to learning whereby an agent tries to maximize the total amount of reward it receives when interacting with a complex, uncertain environment. In Reinforcement Learning, Richard Sutton and Andrew Barto provide a clear and simple account of the key ideas and algorithms of reinforcement learning. Their discussion ranges from the history of the field's intellectual foundations to the most recent developments and applications. The only necessary mathematical background i
Print Book, English, ©1998
MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, ©1998
XVIII, 322 p. : gráf. ; 24 cm
9780262193986, 0262193981