Front cover image for Sasquatch : legend meets science

Sasquatch : legend meets science

A scientist takes a scholarly, objective look at the mystery of sasquatch and at evidence and research that could hold the key to a large but previously undiscovered North American primate, reviewing the scientific pros and cons for its existence
eBook, English, 2007
Forge, New York, 2007
1 online resource (297 pages) : illustrations, portraits
9781429913775, 1429913770
Science of hidden animals: cryptozoology
Wooden feet and fur suits: Ray Wallace at Bluff Creek
Wildman of the woods: Native American traditional knowledge
Giant ape of the Orient: Gigantopithecus
making a big impression: the Skookum body cast
Caught on camera: photographics and forensic measurements
Wrangler and the wildwoman: Bob Gimlin's encounter with Bigfoot
Picture this: scientific reaction the Patterson-Gimlin film
Ape antics: behavioral parallels
Sound off: vocalizations
Grin and bear it: misidentifications
By the numbers: statistical analyses
Stepping through time: the evidence of footprints
Line upon line: dermatoglyphics
Splitting hairs and molecules: DNA and physical evidence
Where we stand: the evidence weighed and measured
"A Tom Doherty Associates book."
Originally published: 2006